Friday, October 30, 2020

Saying Goodbye

This is tough to write. A couple weeks ago we had to say our goodbyes to Madison. It was her time to go. Her heart was weak and her legs were giving out on her. It was time, but just because it was time doesn't make it any easier. Max said goodbye and went to school. Later that day we had someone come to our house, just like we did with Izzy, and put her down. There were plenty of tears from everyone in our house and Zoe has been very sad. 

She was 13 years old and she lived a crazy 13 years. There are so many memories, especially during the first couple of years of her life, that I can laugh at now. Her behavior wasn't funny back then, but now I find it hilarious. Like the time when she ate the rubber off my pot lids, or the many times she ate our baseboards, or how about that time she ate a hole right in the middle of our drywall? And don't ever leave anything on the counter because Madison always ate it. I remember the time when I turned my back for a minute and she stole and ate, a whole raw chicken breast. She also rummaged through house guest bags to find items to eat such as my nephew's sock. Good thing she puked the sock back up hours later. 

She was a good dog that protected our house like no other. Nobody could even think of looking in the direction of our house and she would let everyone know there was potential harm to our house. As much as I found her barking obnoxious it's eerily missed in the house now. It's a much quieter house, yes, even with Zoe in it.

Well, Madison, it was great to have you in our lives for so long and it's really hard to say goodbye. We all know you are enjoying your time up in heaven with Izzy, Captain and grandma V's dog, Shadow.

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