Thursday, October 29, 2020

Starting to feel like Halloween

 To get into the Fall and Halloween mood we went to a farm for some outdoor activities and pick out our pumpkins. We went to this farm a couple years ago and had a good time so thought we would give it a try again especially since they were selling a limited number of tickets each day.

I bought our tickets for first thing when they opened in hopes of having some cooler weather. I was right and it was a nice cool morning. It actually felt a little like Fall, but not WI Fall weather.

We did a bunch of activities.

Of course we had to see how tall Max has grown.

On Sunday we carved two of the pumpkins and Max painted one. It was a lot more fun to do this year because Max actually participated and helped carve his pumpkin. He also helped gather all the seeds for me to season and roast.

It was a fun weekend filled with Halloween activities. 

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