Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Vacation: Part III

 Two days during the week we went to Trunk Bay. If you don't know, this beach is a top 10 world famous beach. Once our taxi arrived, I definitely could see why this is a world famous beach. The water was crystal clear. You could easily see the fish swimming around your ankles even though the fish were the same color as the white sand. It was crystal clear. The sand was very smooth and soft. The snorkeling was also amazing.  The drive to the beach was also just beautiful. Basically, the moral to the story is that St. John is a beautiful island with crystal clear water.

The kids enjoyed playing in the sand and of course their afternoon ice cream snack.

Both days were fun and relaxing on the beach. It didn't hurt that they had a snack stand where they sold adult beverages as well.

Just a few fish pictures that were taken at Trunk Bay.

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