Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Pumpkin Festival

On Saturday we took the big man to the Desert Botanical Gardens pumpkin festival. There is not much for the big man to do there because he is still small, but he did get to ride the tractor to pick out his pumpkin.

Once out to the "pumpkin patch" he played in the pumpkins while we took a ton of photos.

We soon realized that he has an allergy to hay. FUN! His eyes got very red, watery and he kept rubbing them with his hands that were directly touching the hay. This mamma quickly picked out a pumpkin and we got out of there.

We took a quick family photo at the exit and then headed home to relieve the big man of his allergies. He did not get these allergies from me because I do not have allergies. Since we were not at the festival long it turned out to be one expensive pumpkin...oh well!

After waking up from his nap, we carved his pumpkin. He wasn't sure about it...and especially did not like getting his hands dirty. He eventually got into it and had pumpkin all over his legs and belly.

After clean up we lit the pumpkin and the big man thought this was pretty cool.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Chillin' At The Park

This past weekend we headed to the park since the weather has been much nicer. We found a shaded area under a tree and put down our blanket and just hung out with the big man while he played with balls, climbed all over us and chased airplanes. The park is in a flight path and every time the big man heard a plane he would look up and chase down the plane. He did this for every plane and now he is very into airplanes.

He also just climbed all over daddy. He certainly is a climber and loves to climb. I have one of those plastic tubs in our hallway filled with small baby clothes that needs to be put away. Max decides to push that around the house and climb it to reach whatever he wants. He also likes to climb his toy chests to reach whatever it is that is on the desk in his play room. This boy climbs!

He enjoyed playing with everything in the baby bag as well as the camera bag.

The big man's favorite toys...balls!

He loves his mamma...and his mamma loves him!

We also did a lot of practicing walking. He did so well that even at one point he was sitting on my lap and stood up on his own and walked to daddy. SO PROUD! No video or photos of that, but I do have a picture of this super cute smiley face instead!

It was a nice afternoon in the park enjoying the weather and getting out of the house. I mean, this mamma is so over the big man playing in my closet and taking down all my shirts on hangers just so I can rehang them so he can sneak back in and take them down again. 

Monday, October 13, 2014

First Steps

In the past couple weeks the big man has been taking a step or two, but I am going to declare tonight the official first step night. He actually went on his own for six steps. I was so excited that I screamed and scared him a bit. Sorry to scare the big man, but this mamma was so proud. 

What caused him to do that you ask? A light switch! He has been into turning the lights on and off and I usually let him do it whenever I leave a room. Tonight he saw daddy flick the light switch off (on accident) and then back on. The big man, of course, wanted to play with the switch so I said "walk to daddy and you can hit the switch." I got him up and walking then let go and for the first time he did not stop. He kept going! Proud moment! Of course there are no pictures or video of this first, but I did capture him with the said light switch that caused him to be so bold and mobile.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Baby In A Box

Who knew an empty Huggies box could be so entertaining? The big man loves it when daddy pushes him around the house in it. He just roars with laughter.