Friday, May 29, 2020

Kindergarten Grad and 9th Anniversary

This week was very exciting. Max graduated from kindergarten and they did an online celebration. All the kids made paper hats and did a virtual call. It was nice because Max got to see a lot of his friends and got to say goodbye.

To celebrate this milestone we ate Max's favorite for dinner, picked up frozen yogurt and watched what he wanted to watch on TV. This kid is excited to go to first grade and hopefully it all starts on time at the end of June.

A butterfly emerged from one of his chrysalis so we let it out of his home. We have another three or four to go until we are done with the cannibalistic caterpillars.

It was also our ninth wedding anniversary this week. It's crazy to think that nine years ago we were all in Mexico celebrating our wedding. We may be married for nine years, but we have been together for more than 16. That is crazy to think about. After work we ordered in a nice meal, exchanged presents and Max took some pictures of us. We also shared a bottle of wine that we bought together in wine country on our first wedding anniversary. It was a very nice relaxing wedding anniversary.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Memorial Day Weekend

Every year we spend the holiday weekend at the Westin for a fun staycation and this year was no different. We didn't let the virus get us down and keep us away. The resort was definitely not operating at 100% but we didn't care. It was just nice to get away with our friends and enjoy the holiday together...away from home!

We spent a lot of time outside in the pool.

Movie night for the kids.

Boys and their electronics.

What a fun staycation with friends. I look forward to doing this again next year.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Mother's Day Weekend

Even though Mother's Day is only one day, because it says day in the title like Andy reminded me, I like to think of it as a whole weekend. I really did have a nice weekend with my family.

On Saturday morning we went for a family bike ride.

One of our friends has a vine in their backyard filled with caterpillars and asked if we wanted any to put in a container for Max to watch it turn into a butterfly. Since there isn't a whole lot of exciting stuff going on in life right now I thought why not. So, I bought a critter container and Max and I headed over there to collect some caterpillars. They filled our container with 12 caterpillars. That was too many because we had two chrysalis a few days later and now we only have one because the other caterpillars ate one of the chrysalis. Super gross! I am glad that Max found this funny, but I found it disturbing. We currently have one chrysalis growing and 10 caterpillars crawling around. Max loves this critter home and checks on it constantly giving updates on how the caterpillars are doing.

Saturday night we got together with our friends and played Cards Against Humanity via Zoom. This was way more fun than I thought and the best thing about getting together with your friends virtually is going to bed as soon as the night ends without having to get yourself home. The night was filled with a lot of laughter that was much needed. I don't know why we didn't do this six weeks ago. Also, disregard my unfinished wall that Andy has been working on for weeks now. It will get done...someday.

Sunday morning I woke to breakfast in bed with Max. He made us our favorite, avocado and salmon toast with fruit and scrambled eggs. We ate it in bed together while we watched a movie.

Mother's Day was seriously the best laziest day I have had in a long time. I mean, I never got out of my pajamas. I couldn't have asked for a better day. Max and I even took a nap together and we wanted a peaceful nap so we locked Zoe out. She wasn't very happy about it so Andy took a picture of her waiting.

They spoiled me with presents and a nice mother's day dinner from a local restaurant that Andy had delivered.

I sure am one lucky lady to be spoiled all day by Max and Andy! Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Quarantine Camping

We have been quarantining long enough and it was time to get out and do something fun. We decided to go camping up on the rim. It would be our first camping trip of 2020 and also the first time we camped this early in the year. I was a little worried about how cold it was supposed to be at night, but we really wanted to get out and do something fun.

The state wasn't allowing camp fires to prevent people from going camping in groups. Andy decided to purchase a propane campfire and we would go anyway.

The big red propane fire didn't give off too much heat, but it did work to roast marshmallows at night.

Nothing like making ice cream in a bag in the woods for desert.

Madison is getting old and we are not sure how many camping trips she will be around for. This trip she spent most of it in the camper sleeping in bed and watching out the window.

Max and I got a little too much sun on our face that weekend. Andy and Max went fishing while I hung out with the dogs. We enjoyed the beautiful weather, but unfortunately got a little too much sun.

We had a nice weekend away for our first weekend of camping for the year. If things don't get better it looks like this is how we will be spending our summer.