Monday, May 29, 2017

Fun With Max

Last week I was a SAHM for three days. The first day we took a field trip to Urban Jungle and we met Briggs and Owen there with their mommies. Max was super excited for the jungle and to see his friends.

For the second day we spent a few hours at the Children's Museum. Max had a blast going from room to room and just being a kid. It was a lot of fun to see him explore and be a three year old. He was so exhausted that I had to carry him out to the car. I tried to have him keep his eyes open until we got home, but I was unsuccessful. Three minutes into the car ride and Max says (with a whiney voice) "Mommy, I can't keep my eyes open, I am tired."

We ended the week with an ice project. It taught Max that salt melts ice and I explained to him that this is how they do it in Wisconsin during the winter. We then put food coloring on the ice so Max could see all the tunnels the salt melted. Max had a blast with this project and it entertained him for about an hour.

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Grandma V & Grandpa J

Grandma V and Grandpa J were in town to watch Max these past two weeks and Max had a blast. They played hard.

They got Max obsessed with washing dishes. This kid now loves to wash dishes and when there are some in the sink he says "Oh, there's dishes to wash let's wash them together mommy." Ok, I am going to soak this up while this lasts.

They did some art projects together and made blue slime one day.

They made cupcakes and dirt cups together.

Max had a blast with grandma V and grandpa J the past two weeks and he's just living the dream and soaking up all this time with all of his grandparents. Now it's Andy and I juggling work and Max for the next three weeks until Grandma L comes to town.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Happy Mother's Day

I had such a great Mother's Day weekend. For starters, on Friday night I took my mom to Board and Brush in Gilbert for her present. It's right up her alley and I figured she would love it...and she did! I hit the jackpot with this present because she can't wait to do it again.

We each made our own boards and got to do so while enjoying a bottle of wine.

I spent my Saturday at the spa with my ladies. I had the most amazing massage and then enjoyed pool time and adult chatter with two of my amazing friends. I came home to Andy having a pool party with Max. It was beyond adorable to come home and see Max playing with his friends.

We started Mother's Day off with a nice breakfast at Snooze. Then we ventured over to the Peach Festival where we picked peaches off the trees. I had so much fun doing this with Max.

After walking around the farm we headed home for Max's quiet time and to see Tayler. When Max woke he had a blast playing with grandma V and Tayler.

This Mother's Day was so much fun, relaxing and special to spend time with those that I care about the most. My favorite part of the weekend was picking the peaches with Max. He was so adorable wanting to hold the peach bag until it was way too heavy for him to carry anymore.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Weekend Update

We laid low this past weekend since we are going to be busy with house guests for a while. Max was home with Andy all day on Friday and they did a project together that involved milk and food coloring.

Max wanted to go feed the giraffe so we went to the zoo on Saturday. When it came down to it, I ended up feeding the giraffe.

We had rock delivered to our house on Saturday afternoon for the front yard. Watching the dump truck was the highlight of Max's weekend.

I was taking a picture of Andy and Max, but then Max wanted a family picture, so we took some family selfies.

On Sunday we went to visit Tayler's apartment in Phoenix. She moved back and has her own place. Max was super excited to see her and her new home. We went to lunch and headed back home just in time for grandma V and grandpa J to get to our house from WI. They will be in town for two weeks to hang out with Max.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Grandpa T and Grandma S

Max spent all of last week with grandma S and grandpa T watching him. They had a blast together. Here are some photos I received from grandma S of their week together.

On Friday night we went to the "bird poop" (as Max calls it) restaurant in downtown Chandler and ate outside. It was a little chilly (probably 70 degrees) and my AZ baby was super cold. Andy went to the car to get him a blanket to wrap up in. Silly Max!

Grandma S left town on Saturday to head back to WI which left grandpa T to watch Max on Monday - Wednesday this week. They had a blast together. I only got this one picture that Andy took one day, but I do know they had a great time together from lots of playing, watching Paw Patrol and swimming in the pool.

Max is always upset when his grandparents leave town.

Next up to hang with Max will be grandma V and grandpa J.