Monday, May 29, 2017

Fun With Max

Last week I was a SAHM for three days. The first day we took a field trip to Urban Jungle and we met Briggs and Owen there with their mommies. Max was super excited for the jungle and to see his friends.

For the second day we spent a few hours at the Children's Museum. Max had a blast going from room to room and just being a kid. It was a lot of fun to see him explore and be a three year old. He was so exhausted that I had to carry him out to the car. I tried to have him keep his eyes open until we got home, but I was unsuccessful. Three minutes into the car ride and Max says (with a whiney voice) "Mommy, I can't keep my eyes open, I am tired."

We ended the week with an ice project. It taught Max that salt melts ice and I explained to him that this is how they do it in Wisconsin during the winter. We then put food coloring on the ice so Max could see all the tunnels the salt melted. Max had a blast with this project and it entertained him for about an hour.

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