Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Spring Break

So, what have we been up to lately, well not much. Just like everyone else we have been hunkering down and practicing social distancing. At the beginning of all of this craziness grandpa J and grandma V traveled to hang out with Max for a few days during his spring break.

They had fun together while it lasted, but grandpa J and grandma V headed out of dodge early to get back to WI and hunker down in their own home. It's a good thing though that they brought us toilet paper because there is quite the shortage here...and everywhere else.

During break Max got to hang out with grandpa T and grandma S. We also played with Zoe a lot, went for bike rides and did plenty of reading. Zoe has her own soccer ball now and loves to play "soccer" with us. I need to get video of this because it's too funny.

Max was supposed to be back at school today, but instead we started school at home. I put together a lesson plan for Amanda to hold Kindergarten at home while Andy and I still work. I know Max was super excited to see Amanda today and hang out with her since he doesn't get to see her very often. He was even excited to have Amanda as a teacher.

As the quarantine continues I am not sure how exciting the blog will be, but I will keep everyone updated on what is going on in our world.

Friday, March 13, 2020

The Museum and The Cubs

Last weekend was our night out at the Children's Museum Gala with our friends. This is always a fun night with friends and raising money for the children. It was a very late night that made for tired parents the next day, but it was so worth it.

Notice Andy's head doesn't fit in the picture frame. Tall guy problems.

This same night Max had his end of football party starting at the same time we had to leave to go to the museum. Thankfully the parents live in our neighborhood and let me drop Max off early. I then raced home to get dressed and get in our Uber. Grandpa Tim picked Max up from his party and they had a sleepover at grandpa's house.

On Sunday we went to the last Cubs Spring Training game. It was a quiet day with a small tailgate party. Which was perfect since Andy and I were exhausted from the prior night's shenanigans. Max and I fell asleep on the blanket out in the grass while we enjoyed the beautiful weather.

Spring training is officially over due to the virus that has everyone freaking out, so that was our last game for the season. It was quick but we had a good time.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Max's School

This week Max's school had an assemble to hand out awards for perfect attendance and the pride award. The pride award is for good behavior and Max got that award for the third quarter in a row. He was very happy to have both of us there in the audience to watch him get called up to the stage.

On Friday his school had Field Day and they were looking for volunteers. I signed up thinking it was only 45 minutes and it was probably my turn to volunteer. I had no idea what field day was so I had to Google it and found out it's activities outside and the kids rotate from each activity. I was in charge of the tug of war activity. This was way tougher than I thought to wrangle 12/15 Kindergarten kids to listen to you and participate. Note: It was crazy sock day so Max wore his crazy rainbow socks from his Madhatter costume.

It was a beautiful 80 degrees outside and I definitely needed a shower when it was all over. I was exhausted, but I am so happy I volunteered because Max was beyond excited to have me volunteer and be at his school. It was so fun to see all of the kids participate and have a good time.

Monday, March 2, 2020

Busy Weekend

This was a busy weekend with Max's social calendar. We started the weekend off on Friday night with Max's last flag football practice and the coach did a game with the kids against the parents. The kids of course won. Max thought it was hilarious when I missed the football that was passed to me.

Following practice we headed to Max's school for their sock hop. This was cute to watch. Max had a great time with his friends from school. He did the floss dance for a little bit with one of his buddies, but then he was done dancing and just wanted to play with his friends.

Saturday morning Max had his last flag football game for the season. Max had his best run and he was so close to getting his first touch down of the season. He did awesome and we are very proud of him. All the kids did a great job this season and the team came in third. The team enjoyed donuts for the end of season snack.

On Sunday, we went to the Cubs spring training game. We tailgated like usual and sat behind the "Cubs practice area" (probably not the official name of it) so the kids could try and get a ball. They did not, but everyone had a good time.