Thursday, February 29, 2024

February Roundup

 Ok, so I have not done a good job keeping everyone updated during February so I will do it all in one post. In my defense it has been a crazy month that included a death in the family and a quick trip back to Madison.

We started the month of with Friends Christmas over at Kim's new house in Ahwatukee. It was a beautiful house backed up to the mountains. It was fun to catch up with the ladies and see Kim's new house. The kids got to play and it was crazy to see how much they all have grown considering when we first started doing Friends Christmas Max was only 18 months old. Now the oldest kid (Ella, Kim's daughter) is a freshman in high school. It's crazy how time flies.

Andy and I went to the Phoenix Open and had tickets to my firm's skybox on the 16th hole. Of course we went with the Campbells and had dinner afterwards at Dominic's.

Sammy had surgery on February 12th to repair her ACL tear. The first two weeks she had to have a lick sleeve on her leg to prevent her from licking her stitches and she couldn't do anything but go outside to the bathroom. Then for the next six weeks she still has to be kenneled to prevent her from running, jumping and going up the stairs. It's a sad eight weeks for Sammy who is staying in her kenneled area in the living room.

Sammy gets lonely and loves it when Max hangs out with her.

My sweet grandma passed away on February 13th. It was a very sad day and I will post more about that on another day. 

Valentine's Day came and went quickly. We gave Max a bag of goodies to celebrate.

His V-Day box for his school Valentine's exchange was made into a popcorn box that he copied from the Halloween pumpkin that we created.

The month was crazy and ended with an extra day since it's a Leap Year. We are now into March and hopefully this month will be much smoother and I can post more than one time.