Sunday, November 29, 2015

The Day After

The day after Thanksgiving I took Max to the Children's Museum to have a nice Mommy/Max day. That is after I got up early to go get an oil change, and to be honest, I enjoyed my 45 minutes by myself in the waiting room with uninterrupted iPad time...boy, do I sound like a mom now? Anyway, Max had a ton of fun, like usual, at the Children's Museum. He played so hard that after two and a half hours he looked at me and said Mamma, time to go home. I was all in for that because he wore me out at the museum.

Following lunch and nap time we hit up the doggie store (Ryan's Pet Warehouse) to get the doggies their annual treats and Max was a BIG help at the store getting all the necessary items for Madison and Izzy.

We went to dinner where Max was out of control, so it was not a relaxing dinner by any means. He is two years old and it shows when we go out to dinner. Especially lately because he has so much energy and wants to get into everything....and loves to say "Mamma, NO" and "Daddy, NO!" Oh, fun times going out to eat now!

Following dinner we went to visit Santa Claus. I started getting Max prepared to meet Santa for a few days. He was all pumped to meet Santa, sit on his lap like a big boy and tell him that he wants a blue race car for Christmas...that was until we approached Santa. That's when I realized I would be joining him, yet again, for a sit on Santa's bench. I talked him into even approaching Santa's bench by telling him I would tell Santa for him that he wants a blue race car if he will just sit down and smile for the camera. That did it, but as we got closer to Santa Max announces that he wants a blue race car and to get his mommy a red race car and his daddy a green race car. It was absolutely the cutest thing I ever saw. He didn't seem so scared anymore, but more excited to tell Santa about the blue race car that he wants. They talked about Lightning McQueen and the movie Cars and that eased all of Max's fears because Santa knows about Cars too.  And, Max does what Max does best, he poses without a smile on his face...more of the blue steel look if you ask me.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving

For Thanksgiving we went over to the Seifert house (aka our Arizona family) and enjoyed the holiday with them. Of course we made grandma's buns, even though they don't taste nearly as good as grandma's buns. We also made a corn recipe that is always a hit.

Max had a ton of fun playing with everyone, especially Tom. He would make Tom play race cars with him. They played so hard that Max was falling asleep by 6pm and he lost his yellow race car somewhere in the backyard. We looked everywhere for it and just couldn't find it and that car was his favorite race car. I am sure it will turn up eventually.

It was a very nice holiday and I am very thankful for my family and friends both near and far. Especially Tom and Karen who have always welcomed us into their home with open arms and plenty of laughter. Wishing you and your family had a very Happy Thanksgiving too!

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Weekend Update

We started the weekend on Saturday morning at the zoo. Max was really looking forward to seeing the Prairie Doggies and talked about them the whole way there. We went to see the cool new tiger exhibit and he said he wanted to see the Prairie Doggies instead. So, we headed to the Prairie Doggies.

Max was very interested in the snakes this time. He checked out all the different colored snakes, but enjoyed the black snakes the most.

Of course we saw the giraffes.

...and the elephant.

We didn't stay long because after the Prairie Doggies and the snakes, Max wasn't very interested in the zoo, so we headed home.

It was a gorgeous day out so I headed up the mountain for a nice hike/run while Max napped. I have to get in my mountain time since I only have three weeks left before we move.

It was a rainy Sunday so we took Max for breakfast before we headed out to do some shopping for the new house.

The rest of the day we hung out inside since it was cold and rainy. This caused Max to be a LITTLE CRAZY!  I don't know if it was the weather or the fact that he's two, but he was literally bouncing off the walls and was absolutely bat sh%t crazy! I do not have any pictures of this madness because I think I was just trying to keep my sanity.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Weekend Recap

We started the weekend with a haircut.

We went to the train park because Max was talking about this all week. We rode the train and spent a very LONG time in the train museum where Max kept "geeking out" over all the trains and model cars. He just loves this park.

He loves the tunnel and couldn't wait to go through it! 

The museum makes this little boy very happy!

We dined al fresco.

The weather is gorgeous here now, so we played outside quite a bit. Max's favorite thing to do is ride his bike...everywhere. Even in the house.

His Thanksgiving box arrived from grandma S and grandpa TK. He got a really cool cheese head hat. Sorry, but this is the only pic I was able to get of him wearing it. He thought the hat was pretty neat.  We are working on him saying "Go Pack Go." 

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Happy Halloween

My favorite holiday came and went faster than you can say Happy Halloween. We have now entered into November (I seriously don't know how that happened), but let's go back and recap on this fabulous holiday.

We started out trick or treating at my office on Friday night. At first, Max wasn't too sure about it and did not really understand what he was doing, but by the time we headed to the last of the offices Max was very into it. He was grabbing handfuls of candy to put in his pumpkin bucket. He also got to trick or treat with his friends Stella and Briggs.

On Saturday morning we took Max to the park for a little bit. He had a great time on the slide and the train.

Just hanging around.

And looking for the horses (they are allowed in this park...hey, this is the southwest) with Tee Tee.

On Saturday afternoon we went to Tayler's high school because they were having a Fall Festival. Max and daddy played the dart balloon game to win Max a stuffed frog...which now belongs to Izzy. I rode down the slide with Max at least five times. This boy was giggling the whole way and would say "again" before we came to a complete stop.

We hit up the fun house...which wasn't so fun by the way! Andy watched from down below.

Tayler convinced me to go on a ride with her. I am not a big fan of carnival rides and definitely not one that takes you far in the air and you go round-and-round in circles while you lay on your stomach. Yeah, not a fan, and Max didn't like me going either. He was upset about this and was saying it was his turn to go on. Sorry, buddy, but you are too small.

After the festival, we went over to the Seifert's neighborhood to trick-or-treat. This is Max's first year trick-or-treating and it was so much fun. I would take Max up to each door while he would hold out his bucket for a piece of candy. I couldn't get him to say trick or treat because he just stared at each person wondering why they were giving him candy. Helping Max trick or treat made my whole definitely made my favorite holiday that much more special. I had the best Halloween ever!

We didn't go out long because Max did say he was done and ready to go home. He was done walking so he hitched a ride with daddy for a bit.

We had one last house and that was at the Seifert's house where Max was excited to pick out his last piece of candy for Halloween 2015.

I got a lot of comments on how cute Max is and how adorable his homemade cookie monster costume is. I am not going to lie, that just made my whole weekend. My son is absolutely adorable and he was the cutest cookie monster on Halloween this year. My 2015 is complete because my favorite holiday couldn't have been any better than it was.