Tuesday, November 19, 2019

November Update

Somehow we are 19 days into November and I haven't blogged once. Life is just flying by so fast that sometimes I don't feel like I have time to take a breath. To get you caught up, this is what we have been doing all month.

The Home Depot kids workshop. We went the first Saturday in November and met Max's friend (and her brother) from preschool there. They made eagles for Veteran's Day.

Max had a birthday party for one of his classmates. This little boy also lives in our neighborhood and is turning out to be a good friend of Max's.

Max had his last baseball game of the season. His team made the playoffs, but only the first round. Max played his heart out and got two hits.

The coach had an end of season party at a park where he handed out trophy's for all the boys. He said a few words about each kid and Max really liked that.

We attended my work picnic and Max had a blast.

Max's school had their Fall Festival and it ended up being a late night. Max had so much fun playing with his buddies from school. I also enjoyed getting to know the moms some more.

This past weekend was spent trying to get everyone healthy since we all have had a pretty bad cold. I started to clean out Max's toy room while he was selecting his 10 toys to donate to children in need. Because of that we put together Max's Christmas wish list. We signed Max up for winter flag football and that starts in January. His friend's dad is coaching so he's looking forward to it. And we ended the weekend with a face painting party.