Friday, March 26, 2021

Game Day

Opening day for little league was this past Saturday and the Dodgers did a great job. They beat the Rockies and Maxim had two runs. He was so excited to get them that he did the "dab" after he crossed home plate. He has definitely improved his skills from the last time he played in 2019. We were so proud of him that we celebrated with Chipotle for lunch.

After lunch, we finally got around to do the Chia Pet that Maxim received from grandma Norma. We had fun putting it together. Now we are just waiting for it to grow as we continue to water it.

Sunday morning we went for a nature hike not far from our house. It was nice to get out but my allergies did not appreciate it.

Sammy got her first bath at our house. The vet recommended it with some special lotion because she is experiencing puppy dandruff. Needless to say, she did not like it.

On Wednesday night this week, Maxim had another game. They played the Red Sox and the Dodgers's won that game too. Max contributed to the win with two runs again. Maxim plays on a team with good coaches and very nice boys. It's also great that half these boys go to his school.

Cute puppy pictures. Sammy is now 12 pounds and growing fast.


Friday, March 19, 2021


 Max started baseball a couple weeks ago and he's been practicing a lot. His first game is this Saturday and we are all excited to go see him play. His team is the LA Dodgers.

Max still loves golf and has decided to continue his golf lessons into April since there are no baseball games scheduled on Tuesday nights in the month of April. He also has fun hitting balls in our side yard.

Max still has ninja on Wednesday night and still loves going. This kid has quite the social calendar lately. Maybe he's making up for the lost time in 2020?

St. Patty's Day came and Max spent the day celebrating with grandpa T and grandma S since he's on spring break. Between the dance party, hunting for gold and crazy outfits I believe they had a lot of fun.

Sammy is very comfortable in our house now and is not shy at all. She's absolutely adorable and growing very fast. Soon she will be big and wrestling hard with Zoe. Lately, she has been trying to steal Zoe's food from her dish bowl, but she's having a hard time eating the large kibble and just swallows it. Yeah, not a good idea, so we are working on that with her.

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Meet Sammy

This past Friday we picked Max up early from school to drive down to Tucson to pick up our new boxer puppy. Max named her Sammy and she is just beyond adorable. The breeder gave her a bath and then we headed back home where Sammy slept in the car most of the way home.


As soon as I got in the house Zoe saw Sammy and was excited and very curious to meet her. All went well for the meet and greet and Zoe just wanted to play with Sammy. Zoe ran outside through the doggy door and looked back wondering why Sammy wasn't following her. 

The first night was super easy. Sammy woke up two times to go potty and cried minimally. She laid around on Friday night and slept a lot. On Saturday it was kind of the same thing. Sammy chilled most of the day and slept a lot. There was very little crying at bedtime. But, then on Sunday, it was as if Sammy felt comfortable in her new home. The crazy boxer came out and she cried a lot that night. It's been better since Sunday night, but Sunday night was terrible. 

We took Sammy to the park behind our house while Max practiced baseball and Sammy just loved to run free. She was so exhausted that she slept for two hours when we got home.

Sammy loves to tease Zoe and then run under the couch. She pops her head out and they both mouth each other as they play. This is Sammy's thing and it won't last long because she won't fit under that couch too much longer. She is currently seven pounds and just a bundle of cuteness. As Zoe plays we have to monitor because Zoe doesn't realize she is 80 pounds and could really hurt Sammy right now. 

Zoe and Sammy are becoming fast friends. They are snuggling with each other as they nap.

It's crazy in our house right now but it's also so much fun. I am very glad we got Sammy and I know Zoe is very happy to have a playmate at home. Max also loves to watch her and take care of her too.