Monday, July 27, 2015

The Birthday Chronicles

Yesterday I turned another year older and that means another year wiser. Let's be honest, ever since I turned 30 I haven't really cared about my birthday. Back in my younger years I used to make a big deal out of it, so much so that I had a birthday week...every year. Now, I can honestly say it's not that big of a deal. I truly forgot it was my birthday until the Friday before when I received a ton of birthday emails from employees at work (they send out an email announcing everyone's birthday). If it wasn't for that I might have forgotten it was yesterday. I am sure Facebook would have reminded me though when I would start receiving messages that someone from high school that I haven't spoken to in 19 years posted on my timeline. Even though it's not a big deal to me anymore, I had a fantastic day spending it with my family.

We started off the day with Andy's fabulous homemade pancakes...Max's (and mine too) favorite. After Andy made his fabulous homemade pancakes we opened gifts where Max was a big helper and helped me unwrap my gift.

Then Andy took my car to get a bath while Max and I played with puzzles...

...his Tonka truck...

...and night-night. This is his latest game where we pretend to go night-night in mom and dad's bed. Some days (ok, most days) I wish it wasn't pretend and we could just go night-night. But, if you really close your eyes, Max is there to open them with his tiny fingers.

We moved from night-night to trains...

...and then on to building things.

That all took place in the hour Andy was gone washing my car. Now you know why I wish the game night-night wasn't exactly pretend time.

We put Max down for a very early nap because we went to the Brewers vs. Diamondbacks game. This was Max's first baseball game and he has no idea how lucky he really is since his seat was two rows behind home plate. Not too many two year olds get to do that. These sweet tickets belonged to my firm and I was glad to accept them when a partner was not able to attend. We had a great time and Max enjoyed the pretzel, daddy's hot dog, chips and a sucker...he's an eating machine.

We got home and Andy made us a fabulous meal and then we blew out two candles for my birthday. Andy and Max attempted to sing happy birthday to me and it was adorable.

I had the best birthday ever and I feel pretty blessed to have such an amazing family to spend my birthday with.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Playing With Madison

Maxim just loves his doggies. Whenever we are not home he's asking about them. The whole week in Florida he kept telling us how much he missed his doggies. Every chance he gets he plays wth his doggies. Sometimes he torments them more than playing but he comes from a good place. The other day he was giggling with laughter because he kept putting daddy's hat on Madison and they turned it into a game. 

Friday, July 17, 2015

Two Year Photos

I picked up the photos today that we had taken a few weeks ago for Max's second birthday and let's just say I am very happy with the results. The photographer was awesome with Max and had him laughing and smiling the whole time and that is very difficult for a complete stranger to do. I have 200 photos from that one hour and I picked a few of my favorites to share with you. Max looked adorable (of course) in all of them so it was hard to pare them down, but I did. Enjoy!

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Weekend Overview

We had a low key weekend and it was very nice. We started off the weekend with Max doing a nice job at swim lessons. I think he finally has the hang of it. Sorry, no pictures from swim. We kept busy by playing a lot this weekend. 

Coloring with markers.

We had a picnic where Max grilled hamburgers...and of course the picnic table is in the living room so the picnic wasn't so hot.

We had giggles over the Packer punching thing Max got for his first birthday. He was scared of it a year ago, but now it provides lots of fun and laughter.

We did a little shopping for clothes.

And for camping gear.

Max also had a lot of fun Sunday night playing with Izzy. It was too quiet in the house while I was making dinner, so I checked on Max. I found him super comfy on the couch snuggled with Izzy playing with her tongue. There was a bird at the window that was staring in for hours. This tormented Izzy as she sat there panting. This allowed for Max to play with her tongue and he found it hilarious, so I grabbed the camera. 

Both of them staring at the bird.

Then at some point Max made himself comfortable.

He is such a ham and good thing Izzy doesn't mind!