Sunday, July 29, 2018

Happy Birthday

Another birthday and another year older.

Max wanted to make me a gluten free birthday cake and he was very excited. He wanted to make it with love. So, Andy and him made me a cake with my favorite candy on top.

After work, Max was super excited for me to open presents.

We blew out the candles and had gluten free cake. Max likes chocolate frosting and I like vanilla, so he thought it would be a good idea to do half and half on the cake. He's always thinking!

Max wanted to do something fun for my birthday but since it's on a weekday that's kind of hard to do. He decided that we would celebrate on Saturday. Max told me that he thought we could celebrate by playing games at Dave & Buster's, but then he realized that plan is all about him. He then proceeded to tell me that he thought a movie would be more about me, so we went to see Incredibles 2 on Saturday morning for my birthday. Of course we had to go to the theater with the comfy seats.

And just like that my birthday is gone and I am another year older.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

First Day of School

Well, another year of school has started and we decided to repeat Pre-K at Wee Blessings again for various reasons. Max just turned 5 less than one month before school started. He's not mature enough socially. And, based on various discussions we had with his teacher from last year and many other teacher friends and family. It was a hard decision, but we realized it will be the best decision for Max when he starts Kindergarten next year. It also doesn't help that he's a giant for his age and visually that makes him look older than he is.

The day before school they had Meet the Teacher.

He was so excited for school, but also very nervous.

Monday, July 23, 2018

Basketball Season

The summer basketball season has come to an end. Max played well and worked hard on dribbling, shooting and passing. We are giving Max the second part of summer off from sports and then he will start up with soccer again in September. He is really looking forward to soccer again with coach Bryan.

Monday, July 16, 2018

Happy 4th of July

We picked up fireworks and let off some small ones at the house and of course did sparklers. We did this with Grandpa J and Grandma V as they were in town. That was the extent of our 4th. Max had fun though.

Saturday, July 14, 2018

California Day 4

We spent day four at the beach before we headed home. Andy thought the beach visit would be short since the water is only 65 degrees and the breeze was a little chilly for an Arizona baby. He was wrong! This was Max's favorite thing to do during the whole trip. He was full of giggles and just having fun in the sand, building sand castles and chasing waves. I had so much fun just watching him that the cool breeze didn't even bother me.

This was such a fun day that Andy and I would like to head back for a couple days just to spend relaxing on the beach while we let Max get crazy in the sand.

We headed back to AZ with one tired boy.

Friday, July 13, 2018

California Day 3

We spent day three at the San Diego Zoo.

We started with a bus tour of the zoo in hopes that would help lessen the walking for Max. He really didn't enjoy the bus tour because he couldn't see the animals very well.

Once we walked around Max started to enjoy it a little more.

I think his favorite was seeing the giraffes.

We rode the tram a couple times across the zoo.

All Max wanted to do was get his face painted like a cheetah. I was surprised he wanted to do this and would allow a stranger to do this to his face, but he really wanted to. He LOVED it.

We eventually headed back to the hotel and got ready to go out for fish tacos for dinner.

Saturday, July 7, 2018

California Day 2

Day two was the 25th and that was Max’s birthday. He turned 5 and I can’t believe how fast time flies. We started the morning at the Lego restaurant for a birthday boy breakfast and then we headed to the park.

Max wore his Batman Lego birthday shirt that I had made for him.

We got in the park an hour early since we stayed at the Lego resort. We started off right away and hit many rides.

After a long day we left the park with a tired boy and headed to our hotel in San Diego. It was on the bay and face the U.S. Navy ship. Max loved this and he loved watching the giant shipping boats go past our hotel.

We went out for.a birthday dinner at a seafood restaurant on the Bay. This was so Max could get salmon for his birthday dinner. We ended up sitting outside on the deck where we could watch the boats.

Had to stop and get a photo in front of this famous statue.

We got birthday ice cream and headed to the hotel with one very tired five year old birthday boy.