Sunday, September 30, 2012

Doggie Problems

A couple weeks ago we booked the dogs into our regular doggie daycare for our upcoming trip to Wisconsin.  Three days after the appointment was booked the daycare called us to inform us they cannot take the girls because Madison does not do well when they have a full house of 50 dogs.  What?!?!  We were confused because this is the first time we have heard that in the four years we have been taking them there.  Andy returned their call the next day and they explained that the time frame we booked the dogs is when they are really busy with 50 - 60 dogs and Madison does not do well when they have more than 40 dogs at the daycare.  Apparently she gets really shy and uncomfortable, won't go outside and then won't come back inside.  I guess when they have 50 - 60 dogs they don't have time to deal with a high maintenance dog such as Madison.  They tend to have this many dogs at the daycare on all holidays, so now Madison is banned from that place on all holidays.  GREAT!  At first I was super annoyed that yet again, Madison is a problem.  Once I got over it I realized that this is probably a good thing because we have needed to find a backup daycare place anyway in case they were full at a time when we need to go out of town.  Also, it would be nice to find a backup closer to our house because the other place is a 45 - 50 minute drive from our house...kind of annoying.

Andy and I both hit the Internet to find out all of our options close to our house. Once we reviewed all the websites Andy narrowed it down to two that he liked while I only liked one option.  The next thing was to do a site visit.  I called and told the place how I liked what I saw on their website, but asked if I could come in for a tour to make sure I liked it in person and felt comfortable leaving our dogs there.  Of course they said yes.  Last Saturday Andy and I went on a site visit to see if this place close to our house would do for our upcoming WI trip and for our backup when the other place has too many dogs for poor shy Madison.  We got a tour and both Andy and I really like the place and would feel good about our babies staying there.

As I was driving home I asked myself "Did we really just do that?  Did we really just go do a site visit for doggie daycare?"  Yes, we did and I am definitely proud of it.  Our doggies are spoiled, but they do deserve nothing but the best.

Friday, September 28, 2012

First Day of Fall

Last Saturday was the first day of Fall and to be honest the only reason why I knew that is because of social media.  Anytime I seemed to log into any account people posted about the official day of Fall coming up.  I also kept seeing fall-like foods all over Pinterest for the exciting day.  Ok, this got a little depressing as the weather man was saying it was going to be 106 degrees here on the first day of Fall.  Yuck!  This high temperature made it difficult to look at all the Fall weather posts on Facebook and Pinterest.  Instead of getting bummed about this I decided to join in and make a Fall food to help speed up the cooler weather here.  I wasn't about to make a soup or warm drink, but instead I  made some apple spice doughnuts from a recipe I found on Pinterest.  I got up early (aka 7:30am) on Saturday morning to start the doughnut process.  It actually was much easier than I thought.

Andy said these were not doughnuts because they were not completely round, but instead in the shape of a mini muffin since I did bake the dough balls in a mini muffin tin.  Oh well, doughnuts or muffins I made the very yummy apple spiced breakfast pastry.  I served them with scrambled eggs and turkey sausage.  Now, I want to make a pumpkin spiced muffin that I found on Pinterest.  Maybe that too will help get me into the Fall mood.

Last weekend we also went out for dinner at Roy's.  Very YUMMY seafood.  It was so good that I couldn't believe we never ate there before.  Anyway, we went to celebrate my promotion at work. I was promoted from the Marketing Manager to the Director of Marketing.  I am pretty excited about it as it's something I have worked towards for a while.  Cheers to me!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Coyote Problems

I have recently found out there are coyotes on my mountain.  I am now very scared to workout on the mountain like I normally do.  It has finally cooled off enough that I could have gotten up early last weekend to run around the mountain, but my fear of coyotes kept me from doing that.  This weekend is no different. I am not ready to face a coyote again, so I don't think I am ready to get back on the mountain this weekend.

This past June when I was running around the mountain I encountered a coyote not that far from me.  I started to panic and freak out internally.  I did my best to keep my cool as I did not know what to do.  Do coyotes attack people?  Should I be afraid of this coyote?  Is it really not that big of a deal?  I really had no idea, so at first I hid behind a large boulder.  Realizing that would not protect me I took off running in the opposite direction and took the long way back down the mountain heading towards home.  Once I got home I filled Andy in on my adventure on the mountain and asked him how a coyote could be on Look Out Mountain which is surrounded by homes.  Of course he laughed at me and said it was probably just a dog that got away from its owner.  I swear I did not see a dog.  He proceeded to laugh at me and so I just let it go.  That was the last time I was able to workout on the mountain.

Up to Date
Andy read an article recently in the news about coyotes in our area for the past few months eating people's pets.  What?  He mistakenly shared this information with me, so I initially started to panic and then I remembered my coyote from back in June.  I started to play the "I told you so" game.  Yup, full force I am singing that song loud and proud.  Andy was not amused, but then again, neither was I.  I started to research coyotes on Look Out Mountain and found it is very common to see a coyote on that mountain even though it is surrounded by homes.  I have just been very lucky to only see the one in the past five years.  I learned that it is more common to spot a coyote at dusk and at dawn.  Well, that just heightened my coyote fear by a ton!  I also learned that they do not attack people unless they are crazy (aka have rabies).  I read up on what to do if I ever see a coyote and apparently my behavior back in June was everything you should NOT do if you see a coyote.  Well, glad I survived that one.

Even though I am now more knowledgeable of coyotes and what to do if I ever do see one, I am still not ready for that 6am run this weekend.  Maybe next weekend I will get back at it...once I become fearless...sort of!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

When It Rains It Pours

Seriously, we go from doing absolutely nothing to everything all rolled into one weekend.  Of course life works that way though.  We were so busy last weekend that Andy actually said "when it rains it pours."

On Friday night I got to use the gift Andy gave to me back on our first wedding anniversary.  It was two tickets to see Jim Breuer at Stand Up Live in downtown Phoenix.  I must say, this was a GREAT time.  We got downtown early to have dinner, but since we couldn't decide on a place we just ate at the club.  That was a good thing because we ended up sitting right next to the stage since we got there so early.  Andy purchased tickets to the 7:30 show and when we arrived I noticed there was a 9:45 show, so I asked Andy why he bought us the early tickets with the older people.  He didn't think I would be awake for the 9:45 show.  Plus, we are now part of the "older" people crowd.  When we left the club I thanked Andy for purchasing the 7:30 tickets because this old girl was tired and ready to go home. 

Jim Breuer is absolutely hysterical. When it was over I was kind of bummed that it took us 7 years of living in Phoenix to get to a comedy show.  I used to go to the Comedy Club in Madison and I don't know why we never went here.  Well, from now on I would like to add attending a comedy show to our list of things to do on a boring weekend.

On this lovely evening we ventured down to south Chandler (AKA Mexico because it is so far from our house) to visit our friends Mike and AJ.  AJ had her family in town and asked us to join them for dinner to meet her family from South Carolina.  It was a good time and her family is so sweet.  I look forward to seeing them again at their wedding next summer. It ended up being a late night where I lost to a game of cornhole to AJ's brother and I had to drive us home since I didn't drink much. Two nights down and one to go.

Normally I don't do much on Sunday evenings because I am a believer in getting a good night sleep on Sunday to start the week off right.  This time was a little different.  While Andy watched football with Tom in the backyard I ended up with my girlfriends for dinner and to see the play Les Miserables.  It was definitely not one of my favorite plays and it was probably at the bottom of my list as far as plays that I have liked.  Minus the fact that we arrived late and I almost tumbled down the rows of seats; in pitch black; in my 5 inch wedge shoes, it was more depressing that I like to see.  Hence the name Les Miserables...yes, I know the name kind of gives it away that it's not going to be upbeat and happy, but I mainly signed up for the evening to spend the time with some great ladies.  It's always the best time to get together with girlfriends to catch up and laugh.  I look forward to this time with my girlfriends every time we do plan a get together because I always have the best time and they are such a wonderful group of ladies.  Yes, you are ladies!  It was a late Sunday for me by the time I got home and got to bed, but I have survived the week so far.

Now, that it has poured at our house I don't foresee any rain in our future until mid October.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Missing Wisconsin

Every year in September I start missing Wisconsin.  It never fails that every Labor Day weekend I start to think about all the positive things WI has to offer and wonder if we could ever move back.  I think about the good times Andy and I had together in WI, our families, the simple small town I grew up in and the beautiful fall weather.  I get antsy in AZ during the months of September and October while I miss my home state.  I think this happens every year because I am sick of the heat right about now and it's hard to think of fall when it's still 100 degrees out.  It's hard to watch the Badger football games when I am sweating my butt off.  It's also hard to watch the games when they show the sights and sounds of Madison and I see everyone's posts on Facebook about how much fun they are having in the beautiful fall weather.  I also see a lot of Pinterest posts about fall food and that is hard because in no way am I excited for hot cocoa and hot cider since I live in an oven right about now.  Agh!

This mood I am in happens every single year at this time and I don't get out of my funk until November when it cools off and we had our annual fall trip home for a good game and cool weather.  This is the time of year that someone could talk me into moving back if they really wanted to...maybe!  I am just going to sit back and wait for our trip to WI in October to be able to enjoy in the fall weather (my favorite time in WI) and get over this funk.