Saturday, April 27, 2013

Ultrasound Video

At our most exciting ultrasound in early April, we were given a video of the appointment to take home with us.  I have told family that I would post it so people can see it.  I was busy and never got around to it, but now I finally took some time to post it.  The original video is over 20 minutes long so I had to cut it up into into parts so I could post it.  Each part is approximately 5 minutes long.  Part two shows that we are having a boy.

In part one you will see a nice side profile with a good view of the spine.  You will also see the hand, food, torso, stomach, and umbilical cord insert.

At the beginning of part two you will see that it's a boy.  His legs are spread and if you follow the pointer the tech circles the male parts so you can see it's obviously a boy.  You will also see his upper extremity's and his head.

Part three starts with a nice view of the top of his head and you can see the tech measuring his head.  The rest of the video focuses on his heart.  You will also see his heart pumping away and will get to hear the heart beating halfway through the video.

Part four starts with more of his heart.  Then you will also see the tech measuring his abdomen, view of his kidneys, spine, face and it will end with an awkward side profile of him.  He looks uncomfortable the way he is laying, but he is probably just living the dream in there.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Monday, April 15, 2013

Friday Night Shopping

This past Friday night we decided to check out a couple baby stores to look at furniture and start getting an idea of what we need.  While at the stores I also perused other aisles besides the furniture to see all the STUFF we will need.  It was extremely overwhelming and very confusing.  What do we really need?  Do we really need all of this stuff?  Which brands are the best?  Which bottles do we need, which breast pump is best, which, which which, etc.?  We looked at furniture and picked out some stuff we liked after we GASPED at the price.  Let me tell you, baby furniture is not inexpensive at all.  Good thing we both have good careers.

Andy and I left both stores completely confused and overwhelmed.  How are we going to register for the baby?  I am lucky to have a really good friend who already offered to register with me.  I initially said no because I wanted it to be something Andy and I do together.  After Friday night I learned that this is not something we can do together since we are both clueless and are not sure what we need and which brands are best.  I text my friend to see if her offer is still available because I desperately need her help.  We now have it on the calendar to register together in a few weekends.  That should be fun and I will hopefully learn a lot during that time.

Friday nights are definitely different.  Instead of dinner and drinks it was baby shopping and a quick dinner.  I am not complaining though.  It was a nice and comical evening.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

20 Weeks

I can't believe I have reached the half way point already.  I feel like the first half of the pregnancy went by pretty fast.  Now the hard part comes, the second half.  This is the point where my doctor says I will start gaining a half pound to a pound a week and will start to see my belly really grow.  Hasn't it grown enough already?  Here's to another 20 weeks.

Monday, April 8, 2013

The Cupcake Reveal

Last Friday we had another doctor appointment, but this one was more exciting as it let us know if we are going to be raising a boy or a girl.  The ultra sound lasted about 35 minutes so it was awesome to be able to sit there and just watch our baby be very active.  Since our family lives far away we were not going to be able to have a gender reveal party and I have always liked the idea of revealing the gender of your baby in a unique way.  We called the future grandparents Friday evening to inform them and then on Saturday we had a get together with our friends to watch the NCAA tournament.  I thought this would be fun to have a mini reveal with our closest friends and what better way to do that than with cupcakes.

I had the cupcakes made and had the baker fill the middle with the color of frosting designated for the sex so that when our friends ate the cupcake they would find out what we are having. 

I am proud to announce we are having a baby boy!  This was very shocking news as we went in thinking it was a girl...almost 100%.  Besides the strong gut feelings we were both having about it being a girl we were also told that it was a strong possibility of it being a girl at the 12 week ultra sound.  I was never on board with what the ultra sound tech said that day as she didn't make me feel very secure about her "educated guess."  Even though we got a random educated guess from the ultra sound tech we both still thought it was a girl for various reasons.   We even went in that day saying "Well, let's go get it confirmed so we can start planning and shopping."  When the "third leg" popped up on the screen we were both SHOCKED to learn we are not having a girl, but it's a boy.  I was so shocked that I got teary eyed.  We both really just wanted a healthy baby, but if we had to choose, we would have selected a boy over a girl. 

Andy and I with the cupcake!

As of Friday morning I had two girl names picked out and was already planning the nursery in my head.  Now it's time to start over.  I did not have any boy names at all because I strongly believed it was not a boy.  Now the fun begins with the planning and duking it out with Andy for our baby's name.