Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Happy 6th Birthday

Somehow this year roared by and we landed on another birthday for Max. I can't believe it's been 6 years since he came into this world. It was literally the scariest and happiest day of my life. I never imagined how motherhood would change me for the better, but somehow it did. And I couldn't be happier in life.

We kicked off the birthday by a balloon surprise. I filled his room with balloons and hung two strings of balloons from his doorway. He was super surprised by this and couldn't figure out how to get out of his room because he didn't realize he could just push through the balloons.

We told him he could pick the restaurant for dinner and we will go anywhere he wants to go, so he picked his favorite place - Chipotle. I was kind of surprised he didn't want to go for seafood, but I think he wanted a quick dinner so we could get home to open presents. That's how he thinks, so I wouldn't be surprised if that was his plan.

Home for presents and Max got everything he wanted for his birthday!

We got baby bundt cakes for his birthday.

Grandpa J and Grandma V were in town to celebrate his birthday. They took him out for breakfast, mini golfing and swam in the pool. It was a good day for Max and an even more special day because two of his grandparents got to spend the day with him.

Another year down and somehow we have a very smart, silly and crazy 6 year old!

Monday, June 24, 2019

Birthday Party

It was Max's turn to have his birthday party and invite all of his friends to Makutu's Island to celebrate. He had 10 friends show up and he was pretty excited about it.

First, the kids got to play.

Then we had pizza for lunch.

A creepy Makutu came to say hi and take pictures. Notice that Max is not in the picture. He didn't want to join in on the fun, but most kids joined for the group picture.

Sang happy birthday and had cake.

Max did the bungee jump after lunch and cake.

We then headed home for a much needed nap and opening presents.

Max was pretty lucky to have Grandpa J and Grandma V surprise him for a visit. They joined in on the celebration as well at Makutu's Island.

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Father’s Day Weekend

We kicked off Father’s Day weekend with family fun night at the Phoenix Children’s Museum. They had a mega mess event on Friday night with a lot of bubbles and fun. Max had so much fun that he already asked to go back and do it again. 

On Sunday morning Max couldn’t wait to give daddy his gift. Max’s idea of fun was to spend it see the Secret Life of Pets 2 with daddy at the theatre that serves you good food. 

Swimming with daddy while I made a lasagna dinner that was requested by Andy.

Max and Andy had a special day that Max planned all by himself. Andy is an amazing father and we are lucky to have him in our life.

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Play date

Max had been asking me for a play date for a while, so I was excited when one of the moms from his preschool class reached out to me a couple weeks ago to schedule a play date. We decided on getting together at Lego discover Land.  His friend’s  name is Stella and Max couldn’t wait for his play date.

We spent four hour at the Lego place building race cars, riding rides, eating lunch, playing in the play structure and seeing a 3D movie. Stella really likes Max a lot and wore a Packer t-shirt for him. Stella’s mom told me that she wants to marry Max because he’s funny, nice and she loves his blonde hair. That is beyond adorable. Stella’s older brother also joined them on the play date.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Weekend Update

On Saturday morning we finally were available to give the Home Depot kids workshop a try. Max made a putting green. It was a lot of fun and he wants to do it again next month.

We finally got some swimming in. It's been quite chilly here this past month. Normally we are swimming every weekend in May, but not this year. Since it's been so "cold" our pool never got warm...until this weekend.

A new bike also happened this weekend. Max just won't stop growing. We realized back in January that he way out grew his bike and it was time to get a bigger one. Well, we finally got around to getting him a bigger bike. He was so excited about the surprise that we went for a few bike rides. His favorite part is the cool brake.

We also made a periscope and played detective with our latest Kiwi Crate box.

On Monday, Max started summer camp at a STEM program. He was pretty excited about it. He was nervous because it was at a new school and he wouldn't know anybody. He's had a great week and loves summer camp. They are building robotics and this little builder is having a great time.