Saturday, October 10, 2020

Vacation: Part I

 We went on a much needed framily (friends + family) vacation with the Campbells. We decided on going to the Virgin Islands for what was supposed to be the kids Fall break. Who would have thought back in March that the first week of Fall break was going to be canceled? That's ok, we had the kids do school work every morning before we did anything fun. 

To start off the vacation everyone needed a negative COVID test. That is what the VIs required for entry.

We all had negative tests so it was time to begin our travels. It took a whole day to get to St. John and once we arrived via ferry, Max went straight to the sand so he could touch it. 

We got a golf cart ride to our villa and saw a friend right outside our villa.

When we arrived, the kids were surprised to see that we had our very own pool with the villa.

Since we are in a pandemic, there was not much open or to do but that's ok because we spent 8 full days being a beach bum. This was Max's dream and he was just living his best life for 8 days.

This kid took a nap on the beach one day. I swear he can sleep anywhere.

Max loved the taxi rides to town for dinner because it was basically riding in the back of a pickup truck.

Andy and Brian went to the store and on the way back found this guy right outside our villa. How cool is this?

One day Max and I took a kayak out to check out the bay. Needless to say I was the only one rowing the whole time, but I was not surprised at all.

St. John was quiet and very relaxing. The beaches were pristine and pretty amazing. I can't wait to go back someday. 

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