Monday, October 12, 2020

Vacation: Part II

 One day we chartered a boat to snorkel and cruise around the water. This was probably my favorite day of the whole week. I loved the beauty of the island and the water was just amazing no mater where we were. We had the boat for seven hours and I soaked up every minute of it.

We stopped at three different snorkel spots. We saw sea turtles and plenty of beautiful fish. We also saw plenty of jelly fish and that kind of freaked me out. I really was not interested in getting stung by a jelly fish so I just really tried to stay away from them. Max did a great job snorkeling during this vacation. This is definitely different from the snorkeling we attempted to do last year on the cruise. I am very proud of him and I know he really enjoyed seeing the turtles and brightly colored fish. 

We had a fantastic captain. He was really good with the kids. He spent time explaining to Max how the boat works and what everything does. He even let each kid drive the boat.

The captain took us to a small island filled with hermit crabs. This was pretty cool because once we walked on the land it just seems as if the land came alive as there were so many hermit crabs that went from seashells to walking around. It was crazy! The pictures definitely don't do the hermit crab island justice.

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