Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Happy Halloween

Even in COVID I still love this holiday. It's always just so fun to dress up and get creative, or as creative as Andy will let me. This year Max was Halo, or an army guy, for Halloween. We went to the Halloween store and this year it was a bit different. We were not allowed to try on fun costumes like Max and I usually do, but we still had a fun Max and Mommy day. Max ultimately decided on an army man for his costume. When we got home Andy pointed out that his costume is Halo from the video game. You know, the guy who kills people with guns? Oh, I did not know that. I did not grow up playing video games. Sure, I played Mario, but other than that video games didn't interest me. So, now my seven year old is a video game killer for Halloween...great! At least he is a cute video game shooter. There was no coordinating outfit for Andy and I, so I decided to give him an easy year and go with M&Ms for our costume. I believe it was Max's idea. It was super simple and something Andy couldn't complain about.

On Friday night we attended my work Halloween drive-thru event. If you remember, my work event is normally a big ordeal with cool decorations, but COVID went and ruined that. This year, my firm played it safe and offered a drive-thru event for employee's kids to get their trick or treat bags. A few partners even dressed up for the event. 

On Saturday, we did our usual trick or treating with our framily in their neighborhood. COVID didn't stop this neighborhood from decorating or handing out candy. Houses still participated and homes were creative in how they handed out the candy to keep their distance. 

On Sunday, Max had a birthday party at a park for one of his friends from school. It was a ninja theme and the parents did a great job of putting together an obstacle course for the kids. I stayed back and chatted with the moms to try and make some friends. It was a nice day at the park and Max was super exhausted from the whole weekend that he went to bed early on Sunday night.

Halloween 2020 was a great time and I am sad to see it come to an end. 

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