Saturday, July 20, 2024

Summer Trip: Part V

 We started the day off with a walking tour of 9/11. The tour was only OK, but definitely not a necessary thing to do. I would not recommend the walking tour. Here is the Freedom Tower with artwork to memorialize the World Trade Center.

The highlight of the walking tour was visiting the memorial for the firefighters that perished from the firehouse across the street from 9/11. They were the first on scene and had the most firefighters succumb to that day. The memorial was nice to see.

We saw the memorial for the twin towers, but you can see this without the walking tour. This was definitely a moment to take in.

We ended the tour at the memorial museum. I do recommend doing the self guided tour through the museum as it's a must see if it's your first time visiting. It brought back a lot of memories from that day. Where I was when the planes hit the towers and the aftermath. It was definitely an emotional museum to go back to that day in time.

Following the 9/11 tour, we went to see the statue of liberty via a boat drive-by. Nobody was interested in going to the island and walking up to the top of the statute but we wanted to see it. A boat drive by was the perfect option on this hot and humid day. 

For our last night in NYC we had a fantastic steak dinner at Keens. It was so good and I highly recommend this place. It's a super old school steakhouse where old politicians and celebrities would frequent. Who knows, maybe they still do? Following dinner, we dropped the kids off at the hotel and the adults went to have a couple of drinks at a pub just down the block. We had a great time talking about our trip and enjoying the only adult time we had the whole trip. There was a lot of laughs this night. 

The summer trip was an awesome time. Just like our other trips, I will cherish the memories we made as a framily. I will make a separate NYC book with all the photos from that week so we can look back on all the memories we made together. 

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