Monday, July 15, 2024

Summer Trip: Part I

 We took a "framily" summer trip to Niagara Falls and New York City. I call it a trip and not a vacation because it was not relaxing. It was a great trip and a lot of fun but there was nothing relaxing about it.

First, we flew to Buffalo and then drove a rental car over the border into Canada and stayed on the Canadian Falls side. When we first arrived we walked around to check out the sights. 

Looking at the Falls from the railing it was a bit underwhelming. Don't get me wrong, it was a beautiful sight but I thought it would be much bigger than it actually was...from atop.

Here is a view from our room. This was an amazing view to wake up to everyday. 

The first morning we went on a behind the Falls excursion. We took an elevator many feet down. According to the map in the elevator it was so deep into the earth that I started to get anxious. We exited the elevator into a tunnel that was filled with people. This tunnel started to make me have a panic attack knowing we we so far underground and the tunnel was tightly filled with people. It was such a crazy feeling and I had to focus on happy thoughts to prevent it getting worse. I didn't start to feel better until we turned a corner to see behind the Falls that provided fresh air. The picture behind the Falls didn't turnout that well, but right behind us is the Falls and it was very loud from the water crashing down behind us.

We then ventured through the tunnel to a path that lead to a deck right next to the Falls. It was an amazing view. It was so beautiful and we definitely got wet.

Later that day we went on a boat ride right up to the Falls. This was not my favorite thing due to how many people they crammed onto the boat. Besides all the people, it was still pretty cool to see get up close to the Falls and feel the enormous power of the water. Once we were up close you really couldn't see anything from all the water and mist.

That night we went to a nice restaurant that was up high overlooking the Falls. It also rotated so you got to see all the views during dinner.

At the restaurant we did some fun and cheesy photos. We ended up buying these ones because they were just too corny not to.

The next day we headed over to the American side of the Falls to check out that view before we headed back to Buffalo and caught our flight to NYC. I will admit that I felt the American side was more beautiful than the Canadian side. Both sides were beautiful, but I felt the better views were on the U.S. side.

We headed to Buffalo to catch our flight but not before Andy and Max had some Buffalo wings from the restaurant that started it all.

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