Thursday, July 18, 2024

Summer Trip: Part III

 In the morning we headed over to the Tribeca neighborhood to a restaurant that has won a Michelin star for their pancakes. Once Max heard that he was super excited for breakfast and he already knew he was going to order the pancakes. 

Once we got off the subway and started our walk to the restaurant, we turned the corner and saw the firehouse the recent Ghostbusters movie was filmed at. Max freaked out. He was super excited to see that especially since it was a surprise and we didn't know we would pass it on our walk.

After breakfast we had a tour of Central Park via a pedicab. My niece's husband, Batu, hooked me up with his best friend who runs a pedicab business in NYC. I contacted him ahead of time and we arranged to meet in front of The Plaza. We arrived a bit early and wandered around. Max was excited to see where Home Alone 2 was filmed and they had a showcase displaying items from the movie.

It was so great to meet one of Batu's best friends. He was a really nice guy that gave us a tour of Central Park and lots of great information. 

Max was able to see the Spiderman bridge and where another Marvel movie was filmed. He was excited about that. 

The pedicabs gave us a ride through Times Square and dropped us off at a pub for drinks, snacks and the soccer game that was playing.

That night we went to a Yankees game. This was fun to see all the New Yorkers really get into the game. I have never seen so much passion over a baseball game before. I thought it was fun to see. What I didn't like was trying to get back to the hotel via the train. Everyone gets jam packed on the train. Everyone is smooshed in like sardines. Everyone is touching everyone. It was my worst nightmare. I think we had to go three stops before we could breathe. It is something I am not used to and was probably my least favorite thing from the whole trip.

Other than the train ride back, the Yankees game was pretty fun. Max got himself a Yankees hat while we were there. This was another exhausting day in NYC. Every day was hot, humid and exhausting.

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