Monday, September 9, 2019

Fall Baseball Season

Max started baseball a couple weeks ago and he had his first game last week on Tuesday. He gave it his all and got on first base the first time he was up to bat. The second time he was up to bat he made it to third base before his team struck out. He gave it his all in the outfield too. He was so into the baseball game that it made me very proud and worth sitting outside in the 105 degree heat watching him play while I was sweating like crazy.

His second game was last Thursday and he was having an off day. This was a completely different Max than the one on Tuesday night. It was still hot out so I don't blame him, but we had to have a talk with him about giving it his all to not let his team down. I think he was just over tired and extremely everybody else that was at the park and the rest of his teammates that were all sweating like crazy.

Max is loving baseball so far. His coach is awesome and really cares about teaching the kids how to play baseball. Max is actually into practicing at home too. It's fun to watch him enjoy a sport.

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