Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Concert, Baseball and Birthday Party

Last weekend we went to see Dave Matthews with our friends. On Friday night we sweated outside for the concert. Yes, it was an outside concert in Phoenix where it was about 104 degrees out. We were sweating like crazy. It was to the point that I wasn't having much fun. That's ok because Andy really wanted to go to the concert, so I earned myself some wife points by sucking it up and sticking it out the whole way through...sweat and all.

On Saturday, Max had a baseball game and it was the first game where he was the catcher. He was so excited to be the catcher. He was also excited that cousin Stephanie attended the game too.

After the baseball game we got home and gave Max a quick shower, because he stunk from sweating it out at his baseball game, and then we headed to a birthday party for one of his classmates at Chuck E Cheese. Max was really looking forward to this birthday party too. It was a lot of fun to see him play with his kindergarten classmates. I also took this opportunity to try and meet as many moms as I could. On the plus side I have learned that one of Max's friends from his class lives in our neighborhood, so that was a plus for me.

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