Thursday, September 26, 2019

Camping and Surprises

We kicked off the weekend with our last camping trip for the season. We left on Friday after Max's doctor appointment where we learned that he grew one inch since school started. Seriously kid? Stop growing. Soon he will be taller than me.

We met our friends at the campsite and Max was so excited to play with Mona all weekend.

The dads and kids went fishing on Saturday while the moms stayed back with the dogs. They caught 18 fish in two hours! That was very exciting for Max. He said that was his favorite part about the weekend. Plus, we got fish and French fries for lunch. Super yummy!

The kids had a lot of fun playing together all weekend. They played so well together it was beyond adorable.

Zoe got fixed on Tuesday and so we had to try and keep her chill all weekend. That was difficult, but we did have her in a surgery snuggy which helped keep her wound clean all weekend. She did get stung by a bee on Saturday and her face blew up, so Andy left to find the closest store to get her some Benadryl. After some time the swelling went down and she was a passed out doggie.

Of course Andy had to watch football in the woods. I must say it was fun to have the projector and screen up in the woods. Now, only if I could have watched my show then it would have been even better.

Well, that's it for 2019 camping. Until next year!

We ended the weekend with a surprise for Max that we have been keeping for a year. I put together a scavenger hunt throughout the house that ended with an envelope for Max. The envelope explained that we are going to Walt Disney World and on a Disney Cruise for Fall break. It also included a paper calendar that he can mark off the days leading up to our flight. He's super excited to go. He had no idea and it was very hard to keep the secret for a year. He got even more excited when we told him that we are going with our friends. He started jumping up and down and he's been looking at the calendar daily. He can't wait, but neither can I.

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