Friday, September 23, 2022


It's been two years since we went camping so it felt really good to finally get in the woods, relax and enjoy the cooler weather. We went with the Moulder family and Max was pretty excited to go fishing with Russell. He believes they will catch fish if Russell was there and he was definitely right. The first day they caught 10 fish. Max was really excited because he caught the first fish. We ended up having a fantastic fish fry that night.

Max was really interested in watching Russell clean the fish. He wanted a front row seat right away. 

Max and Mona play really well together. It was nice to hear their laughter as they played. Mona loved the ninja course that we brought with us and the hammock. So did Sammy though. She kept trying to get in the hammock with the kids.

Popping bottles in the woods. These kids will be ready for college.

It was Sammy's first time camping and I am not sure if she really enjoyed it, besides being with the kids. It was Zoe's second time camping and I don't think she's a fan. She kept growling all day every day and we weren't sure why. 

Camping is always a good time. It was nice to get out of the 100 degree temps and into the woods where it was only 70ish degrees. The worst part of camping is coming home, cleaning up and putting everything away. It was worth it though and I look forward to next year. 

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