Monday, October 3, 2022

Breakfast, Baseball, Volunteering and Birthday Party

 We had a busy couple of weekends right before we left for our Fall break trip. We started Friday morning off with breakfast with grand friends at Max's school. This is generally with grandparents since not every kid has a grandparent or at least one in town, so you can bring a grand friend or grand buddy. 

Friday night we went to a baseball game. Of course, Max ate his way through the ballpark. 

Saturday, Max and I volunteered our time at the Phoenix Toolbox. This was done through my work and I was excited to take Max to his first volunteer event. I thought for sure he would complain the whole time, but he never did. He never whined or complained at all so I thanked him after the event. He said he was looking forward to it and was happy to participate. He wanted to see what volunteering was all about. He enjoyed it and will do it again, but next time he wants something more physical to do. Those were his words.

Saturday night we went to see Stella's performance in Newsie's. She did another great job and Max loves to watch her in plays. He's wondering when the next one is.

On Sunday, we celebrated Mona turning 8 at a local roller skating rink. I honestly didn't even know they still had these skating rinks so it was pretty fun to introduce Max to one. He first tried rollerblading and hated it, so he gave rollerskating a try and hated that too. He's just such a cautious kid that he was so afraid of falling that he just couldn't get into it. He gave up the skates and hung around to sing happy birthday to Mona.

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