Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Cubs Spring Training

Saturday marked the last Cubs Spring Training day for 2015 and it was a good day. Max and I went for a walk to explore and we came across a Cubs trolley for him to check out. He thought the "bus" was so cool. I wish I had my phone to take pictures of his face because he was super excited, but unfortunately I left it back at the car. On our walk back to the tailgate area I saw a cop on a motorcycle passing through the parking lot. I pointed to it and told Max it was a cop on a motorcycle and he got wide-eyed. The cop was so nice because he saw me do this and pulled over. He said hi to Max and asked him if he wanted to sit on the motorcycle. If you know my child, you know he refused because of stranger danger. He thought the motorcycle was cool from afar, but don't get too close because he freaked out. The cop was pretty cool and nice for doing this, but unfortunately it freaked Max out.

We then went to the park so Max could cool off at the splash pad because it was so hot outside. This was his first time at the splash pad. After a few minutes of surveying the area he started to get into it. It also helped that his friends Stella and Briggs were there to show him that it's ok. Once he was full on into it, I couldn't get him out.

After the splash pad we headed back to the tailgate area to see if we could see the Budweiser Clydesdales. They were at the ball park and we wanted to make sure the kids would get to see them. I certainly knew Max would love to see them. We hurried back when we saw them coming down the road and we all booked it. Max was in complete awe (as was I) of these gigantic horses.

After they took their lap through the park they parked it in front of the stadium so we went to take pictures and give Max a close look. Andy took video of them trotting down the road and Max loves to watch the short video clip and he just giggles.

Well, 2015 is in the books and we are done with spring training for another year.

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