Monday, October 28, 2019

Vacation: Part 7

It's now Thursday and it was a sea day. This means we were out to sea all day and never left the boat. We had plenty to do on the ship. We definitely had plenty to eat.

We played mini golf a handful of times.

We swam and went down the giant slide quite a few times. I also enjoyed the views of the ocean as we were on the top deck.

Andy and Brian went to a tequila (I think it was tequila) tasting and they had fun doing that.

We played Bingo and Andy won over $400, so of course I had to take a picture.

It was time to get ready for dinner and get some professional photos again.

We celebrated Brian's birthday.

Here's the Halloween tree they have in the atrium of the boat.

We found a turkey in our room when we got back. At least the turkey didn't eat the chocolate left behind.

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