Sunday, October 20, 2019

Vacation: Part 1

We decided to take a Disney vacation with the Campbell family, yes, the family that we went to Yellowstone with. If you can do an RV road trip with close friends you can do any kind of vacation with them. We booked our Disney vacation almost a year ago and this past year went by fast. We flew to Orlando on Wednesday, October 9th and spent the 10th and 11th at the Magic Kingdom in Disney World. It was very hot and humid, but we had a ton of fun.

We started off on the rocket ship ride which went in a continuous circle that caused me to focus straight ahead so that I wouldn’t get sick. Max liked this ride, but only enough to ride it one time...thankfully.

We rode space mountain a few times this day. I am not a huge fan of roller coasters, or at least not anymore. When I was much younger (let’s say 20ish) I loved roller coasters, but not so much anymore. Max LOVED this ride, so I sucked it up and went with on the ride a couple times.

There was a car ride and Max enjoyed this one. It didn’t go fast like he would have liked, but he still had a good time driving the car. 

A couple more rides before we headed to Epcot for the food and wine festival. Max was exhausted so he took a quick snooze before we dove into the food tasting. By the way, Max was really looking forward to this. He couldn’t wait to taste all the different kind of food they had to offer. I believe his favorite was the ribs and seafood salad.

At Epcot they had this really cool ride where you could design your own race car and then test it on the track to see how fast it can go and how well it holds up. This ride was perfect for Max. He had so much fun designing his race car and the ride was super fast and fun. After the ride they had cars on display and Max has to sit in all of them, but the yellow one was his favorite. 

One day at Disney World down and one more fun filled day to go tomorrow.

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