Friday, October 25, 2019

Vacation: Part 4

On Monday morning we woke up and were docked at Cozumel. This was exciting because we could see the resort Andy and I got married at from our verandah. Such good memories.

After breakfast we got off the boat to the fairy boat to take us to Playa Carmen for our excursion. I was still feeling the rockiness from the ship, so this little fairy didn't make anything better, but I sucked it up and stared out to the horizon to prevent further sea sickness.

We arrived at our location and we snorkeled down the river and saw some pretty cool fish. First, Max didn't want to get in the water, but once I talked him into it he was fine...for five minutes. The first big blue fish we saw, Max lost his mind. He thought the fish were going to eat him. Needless to say that caused him to hang on to us the rest of the snorkeling adventure.

We came across a tube and put Max in that while we snorkeled and pushed him down the river.

Briggs and Stella had fun on the ropes course and zip line.

Once we got back to shore we had a really good authentic Mexican lunch and then took the long journey back to the ship. This included another very rocky fairy boat ride back to Cozumel.

Monday night was Halloween night and I was pretty excited for this because I just love to dress up. Our group decided to be Alice in Wonderland and we had so much fun with this. The dads were definitely good sports about their costumes. They took one for the team.

Before we left for the cruise Max said that his costume wouldn't be complete without orange eyebrows so I picked up some Halloween makeup. He was right, it definitely completed his costume.

Disney had trick or treating following dinner and we pretty much crashed after the Halloween party. We were exhausted from the long day.

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