Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Camp Wisconsin

 We are in Summer mode and that means camps. Max did a week at cooking camp, golf camp, camp WI and he will end his camps at a pottery camp. It was Max's idea to spend a week in WI with his grandparents, but he wasn't ready to be so far away from mom and dad. After some discussion, it was decided that I would fly him back and work all week since I can go into the Madison office, if I want to, while Max spends time at each of his grandparents homes.

First up, Camp Grandma L. They had a fantastic time picking strawberries. Max thought this was a lot of fun and the best part is he brought me some fresh strawberries at the end of the week. 

They also went up to the Dells to ride the Ducks and feed some farm animals. I kept giving Max a hard time asking him if the Ducks quacked. He thought it was funny. 

Next, it was Camp Grandpa T and Grandma L's turn to hangout with Max. They took him mini-golfing.

Put him to work.

He got to see Beau. 

Play video games and win prizes.

Tried swimming but they arrived right before there was swim lessons so open swim was canceled.

Last up, Camp Grandpa J and Grandma V. They went to tour a cheese factory only to be disappointed that the tour was more of looking through a glass while the guide spit out some facts. Following the cheese factory they went to Sassy Cow for lunch and ice cream.

After I got off work we all went bowling with Tayler and Batu as well.

The last day of camp Max went to the Shalom Zoo which is a natural habitat zoo for the animals. The three of them really enjoyed the zoo and highly recommend it to others.

We ended camp WI with a surprise birthday party for Max. His great aunts and uncles came over for some cake, ice cream and lots of laughter. 

Max had the best time at Camp WI! He said he wants to do two weeks next summer. 

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