Sunday, May 26, 2024

Last Day of School

 Some how fourth grade went by so fast and we are at the end of the school year. This makes me very sad because Max only has two years left of elementary school. Time sure does go by fast. People will say this all the time, but it's very true. There is nothing truer than the saying "the days are long, but the years go by fast."

Fourth grade was a good year. Max made a couple of new friends at school and developed a new friend group. He had a good teacher who had a tough class of rowdy boys. I know from volunteering in Art Masterpiece this year. Max's class was almost all boys with a lot of energy who had a hard time listening. The teacher handled it very well though. 

Max is doing much better in Math and reading, but we will continue to work on it over the summer break with worksheets to keep him doing well. I know he doesn't like this idea, but he doesn't have a whole lot going on this summer so an hour of worksheets won't hurt.

Max's friend, Grayson, hosted the end of school year pool party and Max was so excited to go. I dropped him off after school. I went back around 2pm to catch up with Grayson's mom. It was fun to see Max hang out with this group of kids who are so nice and everyone got along the whole time. It was also nice to not be the one hosting and get a break. I am sure I will host the pool party again next year. 

Grayson's mom had the ice cream truck stop by the house in the afternoon for all the kids to get whatever they wanted. This was a nice surprise for all the kids. 

I took off work on Friday to have a Max and Mom day. We went to the Museum of Illusions and that was pretty cool. Max and I had fun with all the activities and when we left he said that place was pretty cool.

I then took him to a French Bistro for lunch and then to slimeatory to create two new slimes.

We ended the day with Boba. We were both pretty tired from the day and I am glad I got to have a Max and Mom day to kick off the long holiday weekend. 

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