Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Happy Thanksgiving

 We had a busy end of November. First, Max had his Fall Festival put on by the PTO to raise money for the school. As soon as we got there Max found his buddies and he was off hanging out with them. Andy and I set up our chairs with some friends and hung out (and froze too) until Max was ready to leave.

Max is back at golf lessons this month. Grandma Shelley was able to attend one of his lessons.

Grandpa J and Grandma V arrived in town for the holiday. Since it was grandpa's birthday that week Max made him a cake. We celebrated when they got to town and the cake was very good.

It was time to prepare the bird for the big day and this was Max's main job. He absolutely loves to do this part so it's ready for Andy to drop in the fryer.

Max and Grandpa T popped a bottle and we all sat down for a Thanksgiving meal. 

We had a good time hosting this year.

To end the holiday festivities we enjoyed a Christmas movie out in the backyard.

I can't believe it's December already and soon it will be Christmas. I hope all of our family and friends had a Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Family Photos, the Gala and Cooler Weather

 The first weekend in November we had our family photos taken. I used the same photographer as last year and she does a great job. She's quick, like 25-minute photo shoot, and she gets some great shots. I will say, Max is so handsome in every photo. Here are just a few.

We went to the Children's Gala with our friends at the Children's Museum. It was a bit cold out, but we still managed to have a lot of fun together. This is always a fun night and it was even more fun because I got to experience my first silent disco. I have heard of these and thought they were dumb, but they are not. I am glad we all tried it out because it was way more fun than I anticipated. Everyone had headphones on and you had two different stations to listen to. Each station had it's own color on your headphones so you could see if someone else was listening to the same station as you. Hands down, a lot of fun!

It's been pretty "cold" here lately. It feels like it's the end of December it's so cold. We watched a movie outside with the fire pit going. We tested this out for our upcoming holiday gathering with friends. It was so fun and not cold out at all with the heater and fire pit. 

The dogs weren't too sure about the fire pit, but Zoe enjoyed snuggling up on the lunge chair with me.

I was in charge of putting the class basket together for Max's school fundraiser. The theme is wine lovers, but without the bottle of wine since you can't have alcohol on school property. Even though I have been very busy lately I am glad I got to put it together again this year.

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Happy Halloween

 We have had a very busy month. It went by so fast, but I am sure my travels helped it go by fast. We were in Cancun for Fall Break and then shortly after that I was in California for a week for work. In between the two travels my best friend, Kelli, came to visit for a few days. We went out for wine and bruschetta to a new place and it was fantastic. 

We also did the tortilla challenge with Max. This was hilarious and I couldn't stop laughing. 

Max received a Pride award from school for good behavior during first quarter.

My favorite holiday came up fast and due to being so busy this month we just visited a parking lot pumpkin patch this year. Max carved his creepy face pumpkin and I made a blowfish pumpkin out of candy corn. I submitted my pumpkin to my firm's pumpkin contest and I took first place for the non-carved category.

We kicked off the Halloween weekend with trick or treating at my work. The team members at my work go all out for Halloween. It's so fun to see all the creative decorations. Marketing did the Little Mermaid from Ursula's point of view. We did not win the decorating contest, but we got an honorable mention. The team that did medieval times won and it was definitely well deserved. They did an awesome job transforming the audit department into medieval times and even created branded flags for their castle.

For Halloween night Max wanted to trick or treat in our neighborhood with his buddies from school. We went over to his friend's house for pizza before we hit the streets. Max dressed up as DJ Marshmallo. He is also a character in Fortnite. Max picked out our costumes too. I just love dressing up, but Andy hates it. I believe he was a pretty good sport this year.