Thursday, August 18, 2022

Quick Trip to WI

 Last weekend we did a quick trip to WI for my cousin's wedding. By quick trip, I mean we were there for less than 48 hours. We flew in on Thursday night and flew out on Saturday night. The wedding was in a suburb of Milwaukee so we just stayed there for a quick trip. 

Friday morning we went to a really cute breakfast place in Delafield. We ate out on the patio and enjoyed the "cooler" weather.

The hotel we stayed at had an indoor waterpark so after breakfast, we spent time at the waterpark for a couple hours before it was time to get ready for the wedding. The waterpark was kind of small, so not impressive, but it was something for us to do and pass the time. 

Friday night was my cousin's wedding. I haven't seen this extended family in six years so it was so nice to go and see everyone. It was a beautiful wedding and I talked a lot that night. I was just so excited to see everyone. I talked so much that I forgot to take pictures with people that I really wanted to get pictures with. 

Max picked out his outfit for the wedding just like he did for Ryan and Emily's wedding. He's such a fancy dresser. I did have to buy him new pants since the pants from Ryan's wedding (only 12 months ago) were way too short on him.

Max got to see cousin Stephanie and he was excited about that since he hasn't seen her since she moved back to WI from AZ. He is now almost as tall as her.

I was just so happy to see and hang out with my cousins, especially these two beautiful women.

They served pizza late in the evening and Max was waiting for that. I think he really went to the wedding specifically to eat. 

At the end of the night, the cousins that were still left got together and did a group photo. This is a fun memory that I have from that evening. 

On Saturday we went to the State Fair since we were only 10 minutes from it. Grandpa J and Grandma V met us at the entrance of the State Fair. We spent the day eating, playing games, seeing the animals and we went on two rides. Max also watched a demonstration on how to milk a goat. He seemed to actually be into the presentation. 

We showed Max the cream puff exhibit and told him how cream puffs are a big deal at the State Fair.

Mr. Foodie tried his first cream puff and was not a fan. I don't blame him because I have never been a fan of cream puffs. They have just never been my thing.

Max sat in the kid's chairs and watched the milking presentation. Following the presentation, they handed out single servings of goat's cheese. I am a fan of goat cheese so that was exciting. 

This kid is always eating. His favorite food at the Fair was the cheese curds. He said they were the best he has ever had.

Max got to play many games and he brought home a bag of stuffed animals that he won that day.

My aunt Carrie and cousin Ashley met us at the Fair that afternoon since they live close to the fair.

At 4:00 that Saturday it was time to say goodbye and head to the airport. We were in town for less than 48 hours, but it was worth it to me. It was so good to see my extended family that I haven't seen in such a long time. It was nice to get home and have all of Sunday to relax before we went to back work and school on Monday. 

Notice the bag of winnings that I am carrying for Max and the stuffed sheep that he won in his hand.

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