Monday, September 21, 2015

Touring Chandler

This weekend we went driving around to look at neighborhoods to see if we can expand our search area for a house. Since Max was stuck in the car for a while we stopped at the Chandler train park for Max to ride the train and have some fun. This train park is not nearly as nice as the one in Scottsdale, but it got the job done.

Max enjoyed riding on the mechanical car while we waited for the train. He loved this, but once I put quarters into the machine he wasn't so sure about it anymore.

We checked out the ducks in the pond.

And we rode the train. I attempted a few selfies of all of us. That would be Max's cousin Tayler (aka Tee Tee) in the background. 

Max was a big helper making dinner for everyone.

My niece Tayler moved to AZ and is staying with us, and Max has become fond of her. He wasn't so sure at first, but now he calls her Tee Tee and has fun playing with her. This weekend Tee Tee was on the couch watching TV and Max said "Tee Tee move." Tayler wasn't sure what was going on so she scooted over and he crawled right up next to her and laid there long enough for a picture. They both said "cheese." This was beyond adorable.

1 comment:

Mrs. Mississippi 2013 said...

That last picture is so sweet! He wanted to sit by his cousin!!