Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Weekend in Photos

We started the weekend with dinner out at a Mexican restaurant. I feel pretty lucky that the big man is well behaved at restaurants (knock on wood). He likes to go out to dinner and check out the sights. So far it's easy and fun with him eating out. As you can see, he obviously needs a haircut.

We had another birthday party on Saturday for a little boy who turned three. It was crazy packed with over 65 people and 24 of them were kids under the age of 6. Chaos at its finest! We stayed for over an hour and the backyard was heaven for a little one. There was a giant swing set, sand box with digger, trampoline, tire swing and many other toys. Max was having a blast. His favorite was the sand box. 

This party made me realize how much my life has really changed when I realized I was having a lengthy conversation about the kind of swing set the kid had. 

Since the party was close to the train park we decided to stop for a quick train ride. 

We never got to ride the train because as we were about to board Andy realized that max pead through his diaper, onto his pants and on Andy's shirt. It was time to leave and head home.

After play time on Sunday we headed back to the train park since Saturday's visit was cut short. We went through the train exhibit and Max loved it. He couldn't take his eyes off the trains. He also got to play on a caboose that was at the exhibit. 

We also attempted the carousel again and that was a no go. We sat on the horse and he was so terrified that I moved us to the bench seat and Max was much happier. I got dizzy on the carousel as we went round and round. I then realized I am getting old.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Fun Weekend Out and About

After the big man's staycation week he needed to get out of the house. Hey, we all needed to get out of the house. So, we headed to the zoo...which is a lot more fun now that Max is older. 

He had a ball petting the goats. I was holding Max and with the other hand I was petting the goat with the brush. Max was getting heavy so I put him down and when I did that he took the brush from my hand and started petting the goats himself. He ran from goat to goat to make sure he got them all. Way too cute!

It was also warm enough outside to play with the water table...this time in the backyard. 

On Sunday we got our Packer gear on and headed to the Seifert's to watch the disappointing game. Besides the big time bummer we had a good time watching Max giggle and laugh as he played with the other kids. His favorite was the see saw.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

The Big Man's Staycation

Last week the big man's sitter took the week off due to a family emergency. This left Andy and I to juggle work and who was going to watch the big man and when. This was kind of stressful and the days started very early with us trying to get work done before he got up. While we were stressed out all week the big man was living the dream all week on his staycation. 

We didn't take many pictures because he kept us very busy, but I did manage to capture a couple. Here's one during snack time while watching Frozen. He loves cheese!

I tried to have coloring time with the big man to give him a quiet activity. This didn't last long.

Another snack time with his toddler size table while daddy is working in the back.

After a week off it's time for the big man to head back to the sitter's tomorrow. It will not be fun dropping him off tomorrow morning because I know he's going to fight it and want to stay home, but everyone has to get back to normal tomorrow.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Weekend in Pictures

We had a fun weekend hanging with the big man. We started off having dinner out on Friday night where the big man was having fun making silly faces.

In the morning we took my car in to get serviced and then went for breakfast. The big man had more fun staring at the cute toddler two tables down. They would smile at each other and then Max would look back at us and get all shy. It was too cute!

We also hit up a birthday party for a two year old. This was Max's first birthday party and I think the shy little boy did quite well. Unfortunately no pictures that turned out from that night. He did have the  most fun playing with the balloons.

Max had a good time in the backyard playing with the doggies. This is his favorite thing to do lately; however, he has been "harassing" the dogs and we are trying to teach him not to do that.

Max showed some Packer love with his jersey on Sunday. We had fun again playing in the backyard.
He even yelled for daddy to come down the hill to throw the ball with him. Mamma was not cutting it!

Packer fans play in toy cottages.

Looking for more entertainment we thought it would be great if he could use the water table Santa brought him for Xmas, but it was too cold outside. Hmmm...why not put warm water in it and put it in the kitchen over beach towels? Great idea! 

This great idea turned into a much bigger mess than I thought, but the joy on the big man's face was worth it! It kept him entertained for an hour and we got the fun of watching him explore, giggle and just be a kid...priceless!