Sunday, March 7, 2010

Nothing Like Good Parenting

Yesterday we went to a Cubs spring training game with a group of friends and of course we tailgated pre-game in the parking lot. When we left the house in the morning it was cloudy and cool out and the forecast didn’t show much improvement for the day so I put on linen pants and a short sleeved top. I figured the linen would be great just in case it did get hot out. Andy of course opted for shorts and a polo as he was more optimistic of the sun coming out. He was right because the sun came out in full force and ended up reaching 80 degrees and that caused me to have swass throughout the day. For those that do not know, swass is a sweaty ass. Yup, I had such swass that I was afraid to stand up from my seat just in case my pants were wet. Yes, that is how gross it was. We ended up with great seats; which was third row behind third plate. We normally just get lawn seats to the spring training games; however, this game was sold out and the seats were the only option. For the next three Saturday’s though, we have lawn seats. I find that to be more fun as it’s more conducive to socializing…the whole reason why I go to the Cubs spring training game. Unfortunately we had to leave the house at 9am for the festivities, which left the dogs home alone all day until we returned just before 5pm. Of course I was concerned for our pampered pooches that they would be left alone all day. They are not used to this so I really felt bad for them. Plus, we knew of a couple that was in town for the weekend and wanted to go to dinner on Saturday night at 6:15, so by the time we got home we had one hour to play with them before we left for another few hours. They were so excited to see us that after an hour of play time Andy and I felt really guilty heading to dinner with our friends. We knew it would only be dinner because we were really tired from the all-day festivities and the couple had their 15 month old with them. After dinner Andy and I headed across the street to PetSmart to bring home treats for the girls. We thought this would be a good idea because we both felt too guilty for leaving them home all day by themselves and gated in the kitchen. As I parked in PetSmart we both laughed at how ridiculous we knew we were being to by our dog’s treats so they are not mad at us when we get home. It did the trick though because they were so excited for their bones and treats that they didn’t care we were gone all day and night. Nothing like good parenting!


Laura said...

LOL!!! invJaimi, you are really turning into a crazy dog lover. Never thought it would happen; however, it appears that Andy is rubbing off on you.

Laura said...

oops, didn't preview my comment. Tha inv before your name shouldn't be there. :)