Thursday, March 11, 2010

Glass Blowing Event

My firm is a sponsor of the arts and we get to attend art events throughout the year. I have been planning on attending one of these events for the past four years, but just could never make it until last night. Andy and I went to a glass blowing event in Scottsdale and it was very entertaining. I absolutely loved it and had a great time. I really enjoy art so naturally I love stuff like this. Andy really isn’t into attending events like this; however, he even had a good time. We arrive to the event at 5pm and find out that we definitely skewed the median age by ALOT. Andy was obviously the youngest person there by 50 years and that made me the second youngest person there. I knew the demographic of the attendees so it didn’t shock me at all; it more or less entertained me. Andy and I got front row seats to the show. The artist made three different pieces while we were there and we got up close and personal to see how the process works. After the demonstration I was excited to check out some of the art pieces as I would have loved to purchase something. Unfortunately real artwork is not in my price range. I found some really neat items that I would love to purchase, but it is just not in my budget this year…or next year. It probably won’t be in my budget for a couple decades. I did ask Andy for an item for my birthday and he just laughed. So for now I will just enjoy looking at art until one day when I can start purchasing artwork.

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