Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Wisconsin: Part I

 After we witnessed the Southwest craziness in the Phoenix airport we eventually arrived in freezing cold WI. When your face first hits that cold air you start to second guess your holiday plans to the frozen tundra. But, then it's all worth it when I saw Max's face every time he saw his grandparents. He just loves to see all of them. We even offered going to Hawaii or a cruise for the holidays, but Max still chose to make us all freeze in WI.

We started the week off in SP with Grandpa J and Grandma V. It was the standard trip where Max got to do all of his favorite traditions with them. We started with opening presents.

Played a very competitive game of cards. Grandma V and I had to take our rings off because they were starting to hurt the rest of the players.

We went to Tube Town where it started at 9 degrees outside and warmed up to a balmy 12 degrees. Since it was so cold Max didn't last as long as he has in prior years. Let me tell you though, when you are cruising down that hill it feels like needles were hitting your face. Due to this, Grandpa J gave Max his full winter face mask to see if it would help him and Grandpa J wore Max's WI hat with the fuzzy ball on top.

Mas has been addicted to popcorn lately so he was super excited to learn that Grandma had a popcorn maker and so they made popcorn together.

We also did the annual family bowling at the local bowling alley. I do have to say that I won both games.

Max and his grandparents continued with their tradition and went to see a movie followed by a snowball fight.

We had a great time in SP with Grandpa J and Grandma V, but it was time to move onto Grandma L's house.

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