I do believe that it's good to venture out of your comfort zone every once in a while because that is how you can grow as a person. It's not good to always be comfortable. So, I am glad I volunteered and I survived an hour and a half with 12 four and five year olds.
They started the day off with a prayer, the pledge of allegiance and then calendar time. They talked about today, yesterday and tomorrow. They also counted together out loud to 22. I watched and observed during the carpet time. When that was over, the kids moved onto center time.
I was responsible for one of the "centers" during center time. They were learning about cones today so during my center the kids made giant ice cream cones and they represented their favorite flavor of ice cream by gluing on colored tissue paper. They decorated the cone using paint and a fork.
I didn't know if taking pictures was allowed so I snuck a couple of Max working on his ice cream cone.
There were tears when I had to leave. Max did not want me to go. He really enjoyed having me in the room. Even though I was definitely out of my element in the classroom I really enjoyed being in their to watch Max. I also got to see how one adult can get 12 four and five year old children to listen. That was interesting and Ms. Lisa did an excellent job of that.