Thursday, July 10, 2014

First Diaper Rash

We made it a whole year without the big man getting a diaper rash. Then this past weekend (yes, while we were cabining) the big man had diarrhea due to teething and ended with his first diaper rash. Poor guy! I felt so bad for him because he would scream every diaper change and I knew he was in pain. I tried a few different things, but the one thing that seemed to work was naked baby playtime. After a nice long warm bath I dried him off and let him roam the house naked. I was only going to do it for 5 minutes to avoid any accidents, but he LOVED it and was squealing with excitement. We were getting a kick out of naked baby playing and roaming the house that we let him go crazy for about 20 minutes. We got lucky the past three nights that he has had no blow outs or peeing during naked baby playtime. By the way, after the first night of doing this his butt looked healthy in the morning. 

1 comment:

Pamela U. Parks said...

I hate diaper rash and B always got it when teething also. Lame.