Sunday, February 23, 2014

Day At The Zoo

We decided to get the big man out of the house today and take him to the zoo. We know he's pretty young for the zoo, but it gets him out of the house and there is plenty for his nosie self to look at. Since we figured this would be a good activity for him we opted to get an annual membership so we can take him whenever we want.

Even though he is so young he still had a good time just soaking in all the sights. He loved the people watching, especially the young kids running around. I think he enjoyed the people watching over the animals. Out of all the animals we did see he enjoyed the flamingos, orangoutang, the giant parrot, the monkeys and the birds flying around. We were able to get pretty close to the flamingos so the big man noticed them and was just staring at them trying to figure out what they were. We also got pretty close to the brightly colored parrot and as he was squaking the big man was in awe. The orangoutang was right up to the glass and he was just watching very intently at him. We walked through the monkey house and I didn't know if the big man was going to be able to see the monkeys since they blended in with their surroundings, but when the monkey jumped on his rope and walked right above our heads the big man spotted the monkey and wasn't sure what to think.

Even though the big man is so young he enjoyed the few hours at the zoo as he zonked out and I put him in his stroller and we headed home. We look forwad to watching him enjoy the zoo much more as he continues to grow and get bigger.

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