Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Akward Phase

Being 15 weeks along in the pregnancy I feel I am officially in the akward phase of it.  My clothes are starting to become snug, but not tight so I am not ready to upgrade (or downgrade depending on how you look at it) to maternity clothes.  I cannot wear fitted clothes right now because I don't look pregnant in them.  Instead I look like I have over eaten and need to get on a treadmill fast.  When I look in my closet for clothes options I don't have much to choose from since most of my clothes are fitted.  I am not going to walk around looking like an over stuffed sausage in fitted clothes...unless I can wear a sign that says I am fat!  I don't know if I should start shopping yet or not.  Do I wait until my current clothes are overly tight and truly do not fit me anymore, or can I start shopping ahead of time?  Should I wait until the baby bump is more obvious?  I really have no idea.  Until I figure it out I will continue to live in the akward phase of pregnancy where I don't necessarily look pregnant yet in clothes, but instead I look like I have been to one too many drive-thrus lately.

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