Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Colors, Dresses and Invitations...OH MY!

So, this weekend I wanted to get all my paper needed to create my invitations and to get moving on the bridesmaid dresses. Let's just say I got very little accomplished. I started with the invitations and I listened to my friend Amber when she said we could have a girls day and make them together so all I needed to do was get the supplies. I already have one picked out that I really like and all I had to do was go buy paper and supplies. Mmmmm...I headed to Jo-Ann's to pick out the ribbon needed. While there I didn't find anything that was just quite right. I liked some of the ribbon, but it wasn't perfect...notice my obsession with perfection. Then I headed to Michael's and I found two ribbons but started to stress out just picking the ribbon I liked....Ahhh! Again, another example of my perfectionist self and another reason as to why we are doing a destination wedding. I am trying to avoid as many of these stressful moments that are brought on based on my obsession with everything being perfect.

Then I got home, calmed down and scoured the internet for bridesmaid dresses. I found many dresses that I just love; however, they did not include the colors of our wedding. I swear I must have looked at 1,000 dresses this weekend and it turned out to be a huge bummer for me. This dress searching has me rethinking the colors of the wedding. I might as well pick a color where I can have my girls where a beautiful dress over settling for a dress because it fits within the color scheme. I mean we are still early enough into this planning that we can change the colors. This color issue has put my paper purchasing on hold since I don't want to buy the wrong color. I am in luck as the color of ribbon I bought will fit into the new color scheme if that is the road I choose to travel. When asking Andy his opinion he said he doesn't care about the colors of the wedding as he knows he trusts whatever color I choose to look great.

So, my weekend of wedding accomplishments was pretty unsuccessful as I only made one decision this weekend...the color of the ribbon on the wedding invitations. There is always next weekend!


Kim | It's All Reitz said...

Well, hey, ribbon is better than nothing!! Make sure to bring the invitation tomorrow so we can brainstorm. Looking at dresses tonight also...

Amber said...
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