Sunday, January 25, 2009

Warning: Paper Liners Don't Go With Silicone

Last night we found out that using paper cupcake liners with silicone cupcake pans is not a good idea. Once I got home from a baby shower yesterday I decided to use my Xmas presents (silicone cupcake pans) and make some cupcakes for Andy; however, this is definitely after he asked me four times to make them. Anyway, I put the paper cupcake liners in the pans and Andy mentioned that he didn’t think I needed them with the silicone pans. I have always used them and like using them so I just ignored his comment. The cupcakes are suppose to bake for 18 minutes and at about 10 minutes in the kitchen filled up with smoke. It was pretty crazy. We assumed there was food crusted somewhere in the oven so we opened the doors and windows and figured that the cupcakes only had 8 more minutes and then we just won’t use the oven. Madison went running outside in the backyard and she was freaking out from the smoke. When I took the cupcakes out after their 18 minutes of smoke filled baking we both realized why the oven was smoking. The paper liners were starting on fire. They were completely black. Of course Andy had to say “I told you so.” That was not fair because he really didn’t know the paper liners would burn like that, he was just guessing. There was only enough batter left to make four cupcakes, so poor Andy didn’t get all the cupcakes like he wanted. I just wanted to share with you in case you get silicone cupcake pans and decide to use liners. I apparently learned that paper liners don’t go well with silicone.

1 comment:

Pamela U. Parks said...

I had no idea you have a skill for baking cupcakes - you are lucky I am in Oregon or I would have requested cupcakes ten times more than Andy.... as for the smoke - who hasn't caught something on fire in their oven?