Friday, October 24, 2008

Going to Boston

This weekend is going to be spent in Boston working. Yup, I am going to spend all day Saturday flying across country for a two day conference and then spend another day flying all the way back to AZ while Andy spends a relaxing weekend with the dogs. I have a problem with this. I do not like to fly so if I am going to get on a plane I like to make it worth it. I will be in Boston for two days only which is also equivalent to the amount of time I will be flying, so for some reason to me that doesn’t sound like it’s worth it. Plus, I get antsy, so to be on a plane for five hours is not my cup of tea. I can typically do three hours without going crazy, but in past experiences I know that anything over three is rough on me. I tend to get really bored, so I will be packing my portable DVD player, a book and my mp3 player to help keep me occupied for the long flight. Also, not to mention the three hour time change, but I won’t go into that. I would love to see Boston, but I don’t have much time for that as it seems as if I will be holed up in my hotel most of the time filling my two days full of fun at a conference on accounting marketing. That might be a good thing because I checked the weather report and it says a high of 50 degrees with a low of 40. Uhmmm…sounds pretty cold to me, so I packed plenty of sweaters. Meanwhile Andy will be animal sitting Madison, Izzy and Captain at a beautiful temperature of 85 degrees.


Anonymous said...

Here's a note that should make you feel's snowing in WI right now!!! Fantastic!!!


Pamela U. Parks said...

it will be alot colder than that.... and the best way to travel is sleeping pills - everyone knows that... oh btw I will be in AZ this weekend...;)

Jaimi Czarnezki said...

The weather in Boston ended up being really nice. It was a nice change for a couple days.