Friday, April 14, 2023

Happy Birthday Andy

 Since Andy's birthday was the day after Easter, and on a Monday, it was a low key celebration. Keep in mind we were still recovering from the stomach bug and Andy's not really into celebrating his birthday.

Andy requested lasagna for his birthday so him and Max shared that while I made myself something else. 

We opened presents. 

Had the standard Blizzard for Andy's "cake" and we sang to him.

It was a low key celebration for a guy that deserves way more. He's a fantastic father and a great partner. So great that I can't believe we have been together for almost 20 years. Time goes by so fast that it doesn't even seem like it's been that long...which is a really good thing.

Happy Birthday to Andy! Looking forward to celebrating many more with you.

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Happy Easter

 We didn't have the Easter we planned, but we still ended up with a relaxing holiday. We started the Easter weekend out to tapenyaki dinner with friends. 

Within five minutes of walking in the house Max starts projectile vomiting into the kitchen sink. We initially thought maybe he got sick from dinner, but soon realized he actually had a stomach bug. That bug traveled to me and eventually Andy. Andy and I didn't have it as bad as Max, but we were still sick. This was not great timing considering it was a holiday weekend and we were hosting the Easter dinner. We ended up canceling the dinner with family and friends, but we still did some Easter traditions.

We colored eggs, but once we finished Max was exhausted and crashed on the couch.

Sunday morning, Max woke to find the Easter Bunny left a basket with a pool floates and a squish mallow. Max has been asking for one of these for a while so he was excited to finally get one.

Max did find all the eggs the bunny hid in the backyard and after that he crashed on the couch from exhaustion since he was still recouping from being sick.

It may not have been the Easter we planned, but it was still a nice holiday.