Friday, January 24, 2020

Flag Football and Wine Tasting

Max had a game on Saturday and he gave it his all. He did not get a touchdown, but he came close.

Each week they hand out a medal to recognize various accomplishments. This past weekend Max was the player that received the medal and it was for positivity. He was cheering on all of his team mates and gave everyone a high five after a good play. The coach recognized his positive attitude and sportsmanship so he got the positivity medal. He was very excited about this.

Max was also excited because there were special guests at this game. Since all but two players are Basha kindergarteners his teacher, and her son, attended. All the boys were very excited to see Mrs. Jacobs at their game.

Max also had grandpa T, grandma S and Tim Sprecher in town to watch the game and that was also very exciting.

Saturday night it was time for Max to head to grandpa and grandma's house so we could have our friends over for a wine tasting night. Each person had to bring a bottle of wine to present to the group and pare it with an appetizer. This was a lot of fun and everybody had a great time.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Max's Social Life

I kind of feel like our weekends are now revolving around Max's social life. I am not sure why I started to feel like that recently because when I look back it's been like this for a while. Friday night we had football practice and then Max had his first game on Saturday morning. This was beyond adorable to watch. Max tried really hard. He had the most fun because almost all of the boys on his team are in his Kindergarten class.

Following the football game it was a rush home to get Zoe and take her to training. We took her out in public to see if her social skills are getting better. She's improving, but it's still a work in progress.

Saturday night we had the friends Christmas at a local pizza restaurant. Since we had it out at a restaurant we did not get the annual couch picture, but we still did get a picture of all the kids outside the restaurant.

On Sunday it was Owen's 7th birthday party at one of those trampoline extravaganza places. Max had a blast and he was so excited to hang out with Owen and Briggs.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Workshop, S'mores Party and Flag Football

Last weekend was the first Saturday of the month and therefore we did the Home Depot workshop where Max made a hockey game.

Zoe has been in training and the dog trainer came on Saturday morning for an hour. We are working on her learning commands and being a good listener. This behavior that I am trying to fix is her jumping on people and being able to answer the door without her losing her mind. This is a work in progress but so far I have learned that it's all about consistency.

Saturday night one of our friends had a s'mores party so we went over there for a little bit. Max especially wanted to go for the s'mores.

Sunday, Max had his first flag football practice. This was a lot of fun since he knew all but two of the kids on the team. They all go to the same school and are in kindergarten. This helps with Max's interest in learning how to play.

Max's first game is this upcoming Saturday and he has one more practice before then. I am looking forward to watching the game and seeing Max and his friends play.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Wisconsin Part III

We got to grandma S and grandpa T's house on the afternoon of New Year's Eve. Of course Max wanted to start with presents and see what was in his snowman boxes that grandma S put together.

It was time to celebrate New Year's Eve with some dancing, 2020 glasses and a horn.

Don't forget the annual piniata that we do. This year it was catboy from PJ Masks.

New Year's Day was another celebration where all of Andy's family drove down from Wautoma to see Max. That was very nice of them and it's always good to see them.

We ended the trip with a Rose Bowl loss when the Badgers lost to Oregon. It was very disappointing, but it was a good game.

We got to bed early because it was an early flight we had to catch to get back to Arizona. We landed and went straight to pick up the dogs and they were so excited to see us. These two were especially thrilled to be home.